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ochieng seth
ochieng seth

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How to run a react-native app on a real device using terminal

👋🏿Jambo folks,
Constantly opening Xcode to build your app on a real device is a pain, open your terminal and lets' dive right in.

Step 1

  • For whatever weird reason you don't have it yet, install homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Step 2

  • install ios-deploy

brew install ios-deploy

now what you have been waiting for 😛

  • connect your device via usb (of-course) then in terminal,

ios-deploy -c

The result will be

Found 7875****************** (D20AP, <iphone version>, iphoneos, arm64, 1543) a.k.a. '<device name>' connected through USB.

  • copy the 7875******************
  • now lets build the app with

npx react-native run-ios --udid 7875******************

Hope it helps😊

Top comments (1)

coucoseth profile image
ochieng seth

new method is npx react-native run-ios --device="[DEVICE_NAME]"

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