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Sergey Chikirev
Sergey Chikirev

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React + Sentry releases and source-maps configuration


Fixing bugs are important part of a development flow. But spotting errors could be a hard task, company should have a team of testers (which probably won't be able to spot all errors) or bug-less code (which is impossible). Also it could be really hard to defeat bugs, even though you know about it. So what can we do with spotting and fixing errors? Use error monitoring and tracking tools. With proper tools it becomes an easy task which increase app's reliability dramatically.


Here a working project with all the configs etc

Why it is so important

These tools allow you to exclude from the workflow the stage at which you need to guess where the error occurred, how it affects users and what it leads to. Moreover, it allows you to separate critical bugs from small ones. After all, disappointing user experience is one of the reasons why users will start looking for an alternative to your product, generate less profit, etc.

But in order to receive comprehensive information about the error, you need to select the appropriate tools and configure them correctly.

In this article, we will consider such a tool as Sentry. However, there are others. If you have just launched a product or it is important for you to see heat maps of user behaviour, I recommend to pay attention to LogRocket. This is the great tool that will allow you to see both errors and user behaviour on the page.

What is source maps

The Source Maps mechanism is used to map program source texts to scripts generated from them.

Currently, in a client-side development environment, source code is almost never integrated into a web page in its native form. Before being integrated, the code goes through various stages of processing such as minification, optimisation, and transpilation. Therefore, for debugging purposes, a mechanism is needed to allows you to see the source code written in a human-understandable language in the debugger. You can read about it in detail here

What is error tracking and monitoring tools

When user encounters a crash or error tracking and monitoring tools capture this event, so you can trace error logs, give you the visibility you need to understand what and where went wrong.

For example imagine this React component

Component example

Button has onButtonClicka but there is no such function, it’s a typo. Probably, you can miss it in your code base, but error tracking tools will give you a report on it.

Code part

We will start with a simple installation of Sentry to your React project and then step-by-step add more functionality to it.

Install packages

You need to install:

  • @sentry/react This is official Sentry SDK for ReactJS
  • @sentry/tracing It provides integrations for browser

Adding Sentry

  • In your .env file add this line. It could be found in you Sentry project settings.

  • In your index.ts file add.

    import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'
    import { BrowserTracing } from '@sentry/tracing'
        dsn: process.env.REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN,
        integrations: [new BrowserTracing()],
        tracesSampleRate: 0.3,

And thats it. Now you have error tracing tool in your project. In the next steps we will add generating source maps, creating releases for Sentry and associate source maps and releases.

Adding source maps

In this step we will activate source maps generating.

  • In your .env file add this line:


    That solution works on both Linux and Windows.

  • In your tsconfig.json add this line:

    "sourceMap": true,

    Enables the generation of source maps files.

  • In your .gitignore file add this line:

    # source map

    It will exclude your source maps from git system.

Now in your build/static/js there are file with extension * In next steps we will return to our source maps, but now lets

Creating release codes

Release is the version of your code that was deployed to the environment. We will configure the project so that each new deployment creates a new release. Thus, you can easily determine when the problem occurred, in which version, analyse the code, fix the error, and understand if the error is fixed in the new release. We will also set up releases so that each release has its own source maps.

We will set short version of git commit ID as a release ID.

Install additional package:

  • cross-env We will use cross-env package to make in work on Linux/Windows/MacOs systems.
  • Into your .env file add:


    It will help to distinguish envs in Sentry releases.

  • In your package.json file add to your building scripts.

    cross-env REACT_APP_SENTRY_RELEASE=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`

    For example it will look like

    "build": "cross-env REACT_APP_SENTRY_RELEASE=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` react-scripts build && npm run upload-source-maps"

    It will pass env. Works on Linux/Windows/MacOs.

  • Into your index.ts file add this line to sentry config

    release: process.env.REACT_APP_SENTRY_RELEASE,
    environment: process.env.REACT_APP_ENV,

    So it will look like

        dsn: process.env.REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN,
            release: process.env.REACT_APP_SENTRY_RELEASE,
        environment: process.env.REACT_APP_ENV,
        integrations: [new BrowserTracing()],
        tracesSampleRate: 0.3,

After these steps let’s look into out Sentry. Open releases in left-side bar

Releases item in Sentry menu

There will be all your releases. Currently we have only one release

release code

Also you could filter only on that envs that you need

release env

We could open our release and see all the errors that happened.

errors list

We can see some information about the error, but so far we have no source maps appended to our release so information are not full

error detailed

So in the next step we will build release and upload it to the Sentry.

Creating scripts for building release and upload it.

Install additional packages

  • shx It is a wrapper around UNIX shell commands, we will use in our script
  • @sentry/cli Official Sentry Command Line Interface. We will use it for uploading and creating releases.

Create file .sentryclirc file into your root folder and add:


Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

To find you org code in Sentry go to Settings and find your Organization Slug

organisation slug

project is a project name which could be found in a list of projects.

token is placed into Settings → Account → API → Auth Tokens

auth token

Also create sentry.js into your root directory and put

const SentryCli = require('@sentry/cli');

(async function () {
  const release = process.env.REACT_APP_SENTRY_RELEASE;
  if (!release) {
    console.warn('REACT_APP_SENTRY_RELEASE are not provided');


  const cli = new SentryCli();

  try {
    console.log('Now creating sentry release ' + release);


    console.log('Now uploading source maps');
    await cli.releases.uploadSourceMaps(release, {
      sourceMapPath: 'sourceMap',
      urlPrefix: '~/static/js',
      include: ['sourceMap'],
      rewrite: true,

    console.log('Releasing release');

    await cli.releases.finalize(release);
  } catch (e) {
    console.error('Source maps uploading failed:', e);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This script fill create and upload release and source maps to the Sentry.

Put new script into package.json file

"upload-source-maps": "shx rm -rf sourceMap && mkdir sourceMap && shx mv ./build/static/js/*.map sourceMap/ && cross-env REACT_APP_SENTRY_RELEASE=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` node sentry.js"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This script remove old sourceMap  folder, transfer .map files from build directory and invoke sentry.js with REACT_APP_SENTRY_RELEASE = short git commit ID as a release name

Then modify build script:

"build": "cross-env REACT_APP_SENTRY_RELEASE=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` react-scripts build && npm run upload-source-maps",
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And start yarn build

on success you’ll get this message in your terminal

terminal message

your production build has no source map in it

build files

Sentry will associate source maps and .js files, so after all the manipulation in a detailed view of issue you will see the exact problem in your code

error detail with source map

Congratulations! Now it will be easier to find out in which release the error occurred. You can also see what exactly caused the error right in Sentry, which will save a lot of time for debugging.

Top comments (2)

chakzefir profile image

Oh, thanks for sharing LogRocket, haven't heard about it, but seems like this what I've been looking for.
And great to see clear guide of how to setup sentry releases, good job

creamdonut profile image
Sergey Chikirev

You're welcome !
Glad to hear that. But be careful, there is a limitation on user sessions in LogRocket :)