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How to clear the box selection at the end of the onbrushEnd event when using vchart?

Question title

How to clear the box selection at the end of the onbrushEnd event when using vchart?

Problem description

I am using the @visactor/vchart chart library for chart development and encountered a problem. I need to clear the brush box at the end of the onbrushEnd event, but currently I have not found a suitable API to implement this requirement.


Currently, there is no API that directly corresponds to this requirement, but there is a relatively special implementation method that can solve this problem. The specific code is as follows:

cs.on('brushEnd', (params) => {
cs.getChart()?.getAllComponents().forEach(c => {
if( === 'brush') {
c?._brushComponents?.forEach(c => c._container.incrementalClearChild())
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The above solution is to retrieve all components and traverse them after triggering the'brushEnd 'event. If a component is named'brush', it will be cleared.

Results show

After the code runs, you can clear the box selection after the onbrushEnd event ends.
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