Github Repo
For your review, I created a small web application to show the value of Svelte at even the most basic level of web development, Svelte as a beautiful templating engine. Fork, Clone, Run, Copy, Use, Laugh, Shake your head etc... and enjoy.
I utilized a very small portion of Svelte tools in order to demonstrate re-usability of components. App.svelte, FormInput.svelte and Button.svelte have the code reflecting how easy re-usability is implemented with Svelte.
Note: I did not add functionality to the button or form input. The purpose of the application is to demonstrate templating functionality. As well, the app is not mobile responsive.
A simple scaffold landing page for a DEV.TO article about SvelteJS
Clone the repo. Change my-new-app to what your desired project name is.
npx degit dbshanks/devTO-article my-new-app
Run the npm install.
cd my-new-app && npm install
Run the dev script to play around with the project.
npm run dev
You can view the live working demo here.
There will be plenty of articles and video tutorials about creating complex idea's using the simplicity of Svelte.
I wanted to scale even further back and enjoy the most basic implementation of using Svelte as a design tool.
Not all of us have a need to build complex reactive apps, some of us are still building simplistic landing pages and general purpose online presence.
We deserve code sanity and maintenance friendly design. In the case of the design I have provided from my repo. Most would never utilize React, Vue, Angular and others to implement such a small project.
Svelte is the perfect tool for such a minimal use case. It is the component architecture I believe most of us had dreamt of back in 2015 when 'Component Architecture' was all the buzz and libraries were surfacing up all over Github.
Svelte remains minimal as it is a compiler that gets out of your codebase at production build. Projects like React, Vue and Angular are either libraries or full frameworks. With Svelte our application is just a minified bundle.js file connected to the HTML.
The Application
This is the structure of my SRC folder in a Svelte application. I am still a fan of separating my CSS/SCSS from component logic.
This format should still look familiar, the pattern is utilized in React, Vue and Angular. While Svelte is still young, I wanted to propose the idea of a solid project pattern or best practice concept for folder structures.
├── App.scss
├── App.svelte
├── components
│ ├── Button
│ │ ├── Button.scss
│ │ └── Button.svelte
│ ├── Footer
│ │ ├── Footer.scss
│ │ └── Footer.svelte
│ ├── FormInput
│ │ ├── FormInput.scss
│ │ └── FormInput.svelte
│ └── Navigation
│ ├── Navigation.scss
│ └── Navigation.svelte
└── main.js
Adding Preprocessor Support
If you want to add Sass or other preprocessors to your Svelte app. It's a very simple modification. Install the following NPM packages to your SvelteJS project. At this time, I am only able to verify consistency with either .sass or .scss files. Go ahead and experiment.
npm install svelte-preprocess node-sass
Add the following lines of code to replace the plugins section of 'rollup.config.js' file.
plugins: [
// enable run-time checks when not in production
dev: !production,
// we'll extract any component CSS out into
// a separate file — better for performance
css: css => {
preprocess: autoPreprocess() // Add the autoPreprocess package to plugins.
Add 'svelte-preprocess' to your 'rollup.config.js' imports at the top of the file. svelte preprocess automatically detects the node-sass package and uses it during the development and build process. I leave the global.css untouched with exception to some minimal defaults.
import autoPreprocess from 'svelte-preprocess'; //Add autoPreprocess to import.
Now you're able to do either of the following. Inline your styles in the component directly.
<style lang ="scss">
$primary-color: red;
$secondary-color: blue;
h1 {
color: $primary-color;
h2 {
color: $secondary-color;
Or if preferred you're able to setup your stylesheet as an import as I have done by importing the Sass files between the style tags of the component.
<style lang="scss">
@import './componentName.scss';
There is a lot of excitement about Svelte and its future as a goto tool for web application development. As demonstrated from my small application on the Github repo provided, the code requirement is minimal to get up and running with Svelte.
On the front end, it is a seemingly simple one page design. On the back end, the site has a fully reactive tool to scale as needed. As developers, we can push a simple application to start. In the future we can further develop a complex application to fit our projects scale requirements.
Hopefully I have enticed some to go and play with Svelte.
This was inspired by an article that Dave Ceddia wrote on implementing Sass into Svelte
Top comments (4)
Professionally I use React and Vue. Personally I have moved to Svelte for side projects and personal ideas.
Absolutely, Svelte is still very young and needs more polishing. Those of us who have seen the overall benefits to utilizing Svelte it in its current state, envision a very bright future for the Svelte team. That's why some of us have taken it upon ourselves to help Svelte and its current dev team gain traction and more interest in the project. It needs the funding to grow. Then you'll see versions of Svelte that have a CLI to include the things you need. It takes time.
React was a mess when it came out in 2015, it is still evolving, it has recently shown favour with functional programming thus introducing Hooks and trying to get devs to use functions over classes. Angular went through a complete re-write to its current form. Vue came in with a very different support system and its ecosystem quickly evolved. The CLI is brilliant. It took a few years to get there. They all have special traits in terms of using props, templating and reactivity.
Lastly, for the demo I placed with this article. I would never consider React, Vue, Angular. While everyone wants to live at the bleeding edge of tech, they some times forget there are many of us who work on significantly smaller projects and don't require the complexity of the Big Three but still want the ability to scale.
Svelte is cool and all, but I question if we need another proprietary library which enforces its way of working, and further fragments the ecosystem.
We already have an established ecosystem of solid choices like React Vue, Angular, Ember and Aurelia. Is Svelte really needed? It's new, missing a lot of features and isn't very well tested.
It seems like a risk to use Svelte for anything in production. For side projects and the like, it would be fine. But the lack of community it ecosystem makes it a no go for me.
As I shared in the article, I am aware of Svelte being a very new concept with a lot of room to grow. It can't grow without productive conversation and buzz.
I am sure that you being a member of the Aurelia core development team, can understand the passion that is ignited by a project you find favourable and appreciate.
There was a time when React, Vue were those unnecessary frameworks that nobody needed.