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Stop Using "data" as a Variable Name

Devin Witherspoon on November 29, 2020

"There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things." - Phil Karlton Setting aside cache invalidation, wh...
toddpress profile image
Todd Pressley

Thank you for articulating this in your own way and publishing :) This topic reminds me of something a favorite mentor once taught me, when confused about naming a particular function:

"If you're having trouble naming a function, then it's most likely doing too many things."

Years later, when encountering similar issues, I play this back in my head and have found it very useful. It can be expanded to naming just about anything.

Again, love the article!

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

Thanks for sharing! That’s a great angle to look at it from. I love that quote, I’ve definitely encountered that scenario many times both as a reviewer and an author.

Given people seem to have appreciated this article, would you mind if I expand on this in the future along the lines of “X reasons why you might be struggling to name something”?

toddpress profile image
Todd Pressley

That'd be awesome, man! Not at all!

thebuzzsaw profile image
Kelly Brown

Also, stop using "temp" as parts of names. All variables are inherently temporary. They are local in scope. Telling me that it is "temp" adds no new information. There is always a superior name. Take the traditional swap algorithm:

swapValue = a;
a = b;
b = swapValue;
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Knowing the variable is used to contain the swapped value is far more useful information than knowing it's a temporary store.

mchaitanya profile image
Chaitanya Malireddy

In this context, if this were JavaScript, I'd dispense with the 'temp' variable altogether :) Also, often it makes sense to chain operations to avoid having to name intermediate states.

[a, b] = [b,a]; // destructuring assignment
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thebuzzsaw profile image
Kelly Brown

To me, it depends on the complexity of the intermediate state. I used to aggressively pack as many operations into a single line as possible, but more recently, I like capturing operations into local variables both for readability and for debugging (easily mouse over variables to see what the answer was). Obviously, this can be taken too far, so it's judgment call.

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mchaitanya profile image
Chaitanya Malireddy

Yeah I don't like to pack too much into a clever oneliner either - makes it hard to read and debug. I like chaining methods if I can, like say a bunch of array transformations. But you're right it all depends on what you're trying to do - one has to strike a good balance per usecase.

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thebuzzsaw profile image
Kelly Brown

Chain methods are amazing. I can put each call onto its own line, and it becomes a super clear series of steps.

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

Great call out! I don’t see this much in production code, but is super common in interview questions, as well as when people are asking for help. I also like your alternative as a replacement without additional context.

thebuzzsaw profile image
Kelly Brown

I kid you not: I have seen tempData before. Best of both worlds!

etienneburdet profile image
Etienne Burdet

req and res are two good candidates too! Especially when you start caching, fetching from backend and api… resFromServ, resFromCache, resFromNetwork etc. make things much easier to understand!

darkain profile image
Vincent Milum Jr

It is until it isn't. This is one of the large problem with the suggestion to use shorthands, is they mean different things to different people.

Coming from a Win32 background, "res" is a "resource", such as icons, images, etc. They're non-code elements compiled into a file exe file.

Its easy to get keyword conflictions between people when shortening them like this.

vitalcog profile image
Chad Windham

I really like this example, good call out😉

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

I don't like the get prefix at all. Returning a value is the default use of a function, so it shouldn't be part of the functions name.

The word "total" could mean many things. Regarding balance, we can guess that it's the sum, but it's still better to make it clear.

The accountIndex variable should be named i. Generally, one-letter variables are bad, but i, j and a few more are so ubiquitous that they can and should be used. Every competent programmer will know what they mean.

Instead, that loop shouldn't be written like that at all. It looks like C code. Javascript and comparable languages have much nicer ways to iterate over an array and those should be used instead.

A good solution would be either

const sumBalance =
   (accounts) => accounts.reduce((acc, account) => acc+account.balance, 0)
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const sumBalance =
   (accounts) => accounts
      .map( (acc) => acc.balance )
      .inject( (a, b) => a+b )
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dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

Thanks for sharing! As far as defaults go, I try to always make the implicit into the explicit. For me that means saying get when it only returns a value. Same goes for the i value, I want my reader to do as little work as possible to understand my code. Using i can also result in referencing the wrong value when looping over multidimensional arrays. Someone who is a bit distracted may also have trouble keeping track of i and j simultaneously.

Regarding your point about the loop, I agree. Personally I don’t write loops using indices either, but many people do, and it’s the most universally recognizable for loop format. Changing the format of the loop would have obfuscated the intent of the exercise - showing how having rules or conventions can help us find better names for things.

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

when looping over multidimensional arrays

For two dimensions, i and j are still easy enough to follow. Starting at 3, it's very rare to not have better names resulting from context, like x, y and z for spacial coordinates, etc.

but many people do

They shouldn't. Iterating over data structures with C-style numeric for loops is a much worse habit than calling a variable data. But fair point on the intent of the exercise, sometimes we have to write "bad" code to avoid having to think up a convoluted example just to illustrate a very basic principle.

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cubiclesocial profile image

I've never understood why people use i and j for loop variable names. I prefer x, y, and z because they are generally used for looping spatially over an array (columns = x, rows = y, depth = z). Using x, y, and z also mirrors the Cartesian-like planes in mathematics fairly well. That is, anyone with a strong math background will understand x, y, z, and n intuitively while i and j are largely meaningless with i being used for imaginary numbers. i and j and l (lowercase L) are also the thinnest characters in many fonts, making them harder to read.

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drumstix42 profile image

Check out this Answer on StackOverflow:

The answer is mostly because of Math, and what "i" and "j" stood for and it's pretty easy to understand how it made it's way into code. Luckily these days, simple "for" loops can be often be replaced with functional versions, or use "for...of"

aedanobrien profile image

While working on smaller scripts or just scribbling for yourself, I always use i, however once you work on a massive project with 1000s of lines of codes where there are multiple loops and multidimensional arrays going on, and they use i, x, z etc. it gets so confusing. It honestly never hurts to write out a word like accountIndex. It's simply good practice that has no real downside. The argument that it takes longer to write accountIndex than just i is true, however with IDEs having autocomplete this isn't a real issue. Even when writing it manually, it takes maybe 1-2 seconds to write accountIndex. While it might cost you 1-2 seconds now, you'll easily make up for it down the road when you go over that code weeks later and you immediately know what accountIndex refers to, rather than seeing the i for the 50th time. Even just scrolling through the code while working on it makes it so much more visible, saving you seconds here and there.

josefjelinek profile image
Josef Jelinek

accountIndex is hard to read because the reader really needs to read it... for i there is instant recognition in the brain.

  for (let accountIndex = 0; accountIndex < accounts.length; accountIndex++) {
    totalBalance += accounts[accountIndex].balance;
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  for (let i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) {
    totalBalance += accounts[i].balance;
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fortunatelly, there is a superior alternative (without going into Array methods):

  for (const account of accounts) {
    totalBalance += account.balance;
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drumstix42 profile image

Yeah i think it's important to use words where it makes sense, but sometimes the syntax gets lost in long lines because of longer words. For variables, meaningful names are important, but I agree in things like loops, it's better to use alternative methods or function methods instead! +1 for "for...of"

aedanobrien profile image

Great article, thank you.

I've recently watched "Clean Code - Uncle Bob" (Lesson 1 and 2, both on YouTube). His conclusion is that whenever any line of code requires comments, it's a failure on the developers part because good code should contain variable and function names that explain themselves, thus making comments unnecessary (though I disagree on the comment part, because there are some good reasons for comments in code). He mentions that a lot of developers dislike longer names because it makes the code look "uncool", bigger in file size, looks bloated, leads to horizontal scrollbars in the IDE (or wraps it to a new line) and some developers are even under the false impression that longer names lead to slower code. Just like in your article, he mentions to use names that are perfectly understandable even if consist of multiple words. We really need to stop being afraid of using longer names and start using names so that the name itself becomes self-explanatory and can potentially work without any additional commentary. Thanks again for the article.

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you appreciated it. I agree with Robert Martin on his points about code communicating intent as much as possible. I wish he focused more on the people behind the code and expressing kindness to each other being as important as getting the code right.

Regarding comments, I personally try to add comments for context that is important and isn't really part of the code - e.g. intended lifespan of the code, maybe even linking to a ticket with an important conversation. For communicating intent - I try to resort to tests as much as possible since they're more inclined to change with the code. I don't consider it a failure to add a comment because it was hubris for me to ever think I didn't need them. I think it's an achievement of self awareness to know where to add proper comments rather than a failure of coding ability.

vishnuharidas profile image
Vishnu Haridas • Edited

Giving meaningful names are important. Suddenly a few incidents popped up in my mind.

Once I was going through a legacy code, which had a variable like this: bool isWasStarted. I still don't know what it was used for!

The same project was having a function writeLog(text), and I expected the function to write the text to the output stream. The function body looks like this:

function writeLog(text){
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Seriously, why people do this?!

vlasales profile image
Vlastimil Pospichal

The words get, find, fetch, add, update, delete are not a prefix for me, but a name for methods. For classes that have 2-5 methods, this is completely satisfactory, I do not make longer classes. If one word is not enough, it means that the class violates the SRP.

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

Yes, I should have pointed out the context of that particular rule. It’s been a long time since I’ve worked with OOP, but you’re definitely right that these can be full method names for well named, well purposed classes.

vlasales profile image
Vlastimil Pospichal

It was a long and difficult journey before I came to this knowledge. Unfortunately, many developers in OOP do not share this idea.

However, I do not have it as a dogma, but rather as a guide to clean code.

The next level is class names and namespaces. I prefer to combine a maximum of two words in classes, one word for one namespace element. I avoid the general words domain, manager, controller, infrastructure, etc.

gregfullard profile image
Greg Fullard

Reading this article restored some of my faith in humanity. Thank you!

playmaker profile image
Keno Clayton

Good article 👍🏾 I prefer using i for any sort of single dimensional loop, but for multi-dimensional loops, it is important to know exactly which index you're referring to. e.g.

for ( rows = 0; ... )
  for ( columns = 0 ... )
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dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

Yup, to each their own 👍 I tried to acknowledge that particular point as contentious. Just too much dogma around it. The important part is that the project is consistent and it's actually something that the team applies consistently.

mrdulin profile image
official_dulin • Edited

If undefined is a meaningful value, replace it with a variable. E.g. We will do something if scoreType is all.


if (scoreType === undefined) {
  // do something
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const all = undefined;
if(scoreType === all) {
  // do something
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thebuzzsaw profile image
Kelly Brown

I later noticed that I do occasionally use data as a variable name. The scenario often seems to be passing along an opaque byte array. I suppose I could add a little flavor to it by way of receivedData or httpData or whatever context, but I don't know how to improve on that name when that particular method is not in charge of decoding that data.

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

I think that falls well into the exception category. byteStream or byteArray may be helpful for describing the nature of the data, but if there’s not a clear intent to the data then I suppose the next option is to make sure that name for it is as short lived as is reasonable.

ricardo profile image
Ricardo Luz

Hey Devin, thanks for sharing your thoughts in this outstanding article! You commented about use lint to enforce some name patterns. However, I never heard about some linter that does that, do you know someone? Otherwise, it's a great idea to a new open source project! I am already using a vscode plugin to typo check, and it's helping me to avoid this kind of errors once English isn't my mother tongue, as well as find errors left by other devs and fix it.

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

I’m not sure if there’s any open source project doing this or if it’s even feasible to do in a generic manner. Some things like checking for returning a promise/async function to avoid get would be easy enough.

Taking advantage of team conventions, you could enforce that there is a prefix on functions, and that some prefixes are applied correctly - though there’s a limit to how much you can do here(e.g. you could enforce that if it returns a Boolean literal it must begin with is, can, or should, but that doesn’t cover all cases).

Because this kind of linter would benefit from knowing team conventions, I don’t think it would be very effective as an open source project.

cwraytech profile image
Christopher Wray

Wow, totally agree! Another one is “payload”. Why in the world would you use that as a variable? What is the payload expected to be? That is what the variable should be named.

I also really like your definition of accountIndex vs i. Makes way more sense.

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

payload is a great example! Super generic, could be anything, all it tells us is it’s probably not metadata. I think it has the same exceptions as data as well.

sandromiguel profile image
Sandro Miguel Marques

Thank you for this article.
It reminded me of this tweet

phongduong profile image
Phong Duong

My native language is not English. I sometimes can't find a name for the variable or function. This makes me confused when I read my code later. So I reduce using the variable and try to use the function chaining. Thank you for sharing.

mchaitanya profile image
Chaitanya Malireddy

Great ideas but I wouldn't replace i with accountIndex. That doesn't add much value - it's a common convention to use i as a loop counter.

Also I think this is a good rule of thumb:

The length of a variable name should be proportional to its scope.

winstonpuckett profile image
Winston Puckett

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

barbgegrasse profile image

It sounds like a good advice

roshan_100kar profile image
Roshan Shambharkar

how to use code editor in this post i also want to post some content on but i can not see code editor option in my writer a post section

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

I actually have a template comment for this!

Hey, thanks for sharing! BTW, you can tag code blocks with a language to get syntax highlighting by adding the language extension (e.g. js, c, cpp, java) after the the first three backticks.
sample react component wrapped in backticks with javascript syntax highlighting

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

Nice, I would have thought the joke was older!

cdthomp1 profile image
Cameron Thompson

Such a useful reminder!

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

Not sure if you’re joking, but that wasn’t part of the original quote, it was a joke that was later added. I’m not sure who said that part first though, might not be as well documented.

rifadahmed profile image
Rifad ahmed

Great article

janpauldahlke profile image
jan paul

topic reminds me on this reddit

joaozitopolo profile image
Joao Polo

Let me put my 10 cents... the prefix "eval" is useful for evaluate something.
For example, evalAccountsTotalBalance(...) means I'll do some direct operation with arguments.

skylee91 profile image
Sky Lee

Yes stop using data, details, info, list as variable as name too. Name it with specify name.

mustafakucuk profile image
Mustafa KÜÇÜK

Hi Devin!

Firstly thanks for this article.

Can I translate to Turkish this article for publish on my blog or medium?

Of course by showing source :)

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

That would be cool! If you wouldn’t mind sharing it back here, I’d appreciate it as well 👍