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Discussion on: Your favorite `git` aliases?

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Ben Lovy • Edited

This is disgusting and I don't recommend it, but I compile my Linux kernels from source when they are released on my Gentoo system:

alias kernclean='make clean && make distclean && make mrproper'
alias dokern='cd /usr/src/linux && kernclean && make && mount /boot && make install && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg && emerge -avt @module-rebuild && umount /boot && cd -'

Must be run as root, and assums the user has already utilized eselect kernel to chose their desired kernel version. This symlinks the source to usr/src/linux.

This was my "first draft" and now its years later and I've been using it about once a week without touching it. I have a similar shindig for cleanup of old kernel artifacts but I couldn't quite pack it into an alias, it's got its own function.

I keep feeling like i should revisit this whole setup but it...keeps working fine.