DEV Community

Discussion on: Switching to Haskell

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Not necessarily, it's a fact of life in most domains, but it does provide a rich toolkit for organizing and sequestering the mutable and effectful parts of your code.

gabrielfallen profile image
Alexander Chichigin

Not necessarily, it's a fact of life in most domains

If you're referring to mutable state, then it's irrelevant whether it's a fact of life or not. Because in software development we're modelling real-life domains. And we can easily model mutable state with immutable data structures and pure functions. Surprisingly often it leads to both fever errors and simpler code.

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wrldwzrd89 profile image
Eric Ahnell

This is exactly why side effect-free coding by default is so valuable: it’s far easier to verify correct behavior.

trishaganesh09 profile image

True, but the good thing is that it requires a lot of focus as it is a hard language for most people.