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defiance profile image
Defiance Black • Edited

isn't it simpler to use a password manager?


Your guide is super technical, definitely not for the "casual user" :)

I think it's fairly technical if you're aware of the technologies involved. If you aren't familiar with them then it's just a long list of instructions that should be repeatable by anyone.

I'd like to see if that's true.

cross platform opensource options or self hosted ones

I've looked... I wasn't a fan of what I saw, which isn't to say that they sucked. If I have no interest in the implementation language (Bitwarden = PHP, for example), then I'm not likely to self-host it, since it's unlikely that I'll ever try to hack it (and where's the fun in that?).

I'd make an exception for GitLab... self-hosting it and hooking it into your own Postgres/Redis/Prometheus/VMs-for-CI/etc sounds like non-trivial upkeep.

This GitLab-in-the-Middle (used to be Gitea, Golang looks alright) is what evolved out of my own need to solve the problem... converted to Windows.

rhymes profile image

I think it's fairly technical if you're aware of the technologies involved. If you aren't familiar with them then it's just a long list of instructions that should be repeatable by anyone.

I'm not even sure people will read everything in the guide for starters.

It took me half an hour to explain how a password manager works and how to user it to a regular non technical user (whom has no interest in technology whatsoever) and I was phisically there in the room in front of the computer and devices.

What happens if one of the steps breaks?

defiance profile image
Defiance Black

I'm not even sure people will read everything in the guide for starters.

I'm with you on that.

What happens if one of the steps breaks?

That's what I need DEV for.

It took me half an hour...

I feel you. I told her the reason cryptography hasn't really caught on for the average user is because the user experience is mostly horrible. Via QtPass and the Android app, passwords are a mere + away.