DEV Community

Desmond Okeke
Desmond Okeke

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My Journey in Software Engineering: A Challenge That Taught Me A Great Deal

My name is Desmond Okeke and I am currently a Software engineer with 3+ years in building full-stack solutions. I am proficient in front-end stack including but not limited to HTML/CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Tailwindcss, and Buefy, as well as some back-end stacks such as Python Flask, Node.js, Postgresql, MySql. I also work with vast programming tools like Java, C, etc., and enjoy problem-solving. When I am not on my laptop I am practicing my violin.

I was introduced to programming in my secondary school days when Co-Creation Hub aimed to empower unprivileged teenagers with digital technology. Over the years, I grew to love programming and have gathered much experience. My journey in tech is like a learning curve for me, because in every experience I get, there is something new for me to learn. This unique nature of programming has kept me intrigued for over a decade. At a point in my life, something fascinating happened that made me question my ability to be the professional software engineer I had always wanted to be.

I was given a task to call the third-party API to validate and transform an endpoint to a URL. I was supposed to call third-party endpoints and send authorization through the API. This task involved manipulating a third-party payload response by changing the image type from base 64 to a URL endpoint. I had to use Axios to get an authorization token. After that, I used the token to access the service to get the URL location. Explaining it now might seem pretty straightforward, but it took a lot of hard work, grit, and research to figure this out. I did not just learn how to call third-party services the right way, but I also got exposed to the art of problem-solving. Shying away from difficult tasks will never be an option for me because I believe that with the right attitude and mindset, every problem has a solution.

In the journey of continuous learning and growth, I decided to register for HNG11 using this link: I believe the internship will get me busy with projects that will sharpen my ability to solve coding problems more intelligently. Also, I intend to join the premium network using this link: This premium package will be of great benefit to me in terms of networking, getting job opportunities, and being constantly motivated to be better.

At the end of this internship, I hope to be more vast in terms of my skill set and also volunteer as an instructor of HNG in the backend track.

Thank you

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