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Sadiqur Rahman for DeSpider

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Naming Conventions in 3 mins

Naming Convention
There are so many different ways you can name your variables (naming conventions). If you are a beginner, most probably you don't care a lot about naming. But if you are working / planning to work in a team, lets learn a bit of naming conventions before you embarrass yourself. 😉
Here are some common conventions;

🐫 Camel Case: First word of the variable has to start with a small letter, then the second or third word will start with capital letter. Examples: newVariable, iLikeCamelCase. Used for assigning string, number, boolean, object, array, list and so on.

👵🏽 Pascal Case: It is like camel case, except for the fact that it starts with a capital letter. Examples: NewVariable, ILikeItToo. Mainly used for declaring a class and it's types (Object Constructor Function, Interface…).

🐍 Snake Case: Here we have small letters with underscore (_) separation, like this_one. They are very handy for object keys and for database fields. This could also be used to declare a really_really_loooong_variable.

🍖 Kebab Case: In this type, small letters are grilled together using hyphens, just-like-this-example. You can use it for routes (url) for instance, if you wish.

😠 Screaming Case: All capital letters, to YELL at people. If you want to hard code a value like TAX=10%, you can use SCREAMING_CASE.

⁉️ Hungarian Notation: In this type, names start with a lowercase prefix to indicate the intention. Example would be sName, nAge. Since in JavaScript, we don't have typing (string, number…), we can use hungarian notation to give a hint about the variable's type (s for string, n for number…).

_Underscore before a variable: This is a very common practice to declare a _privateVariable that cannot be accessed outside of a class.

To sum up, it is always a good practice to apply the "good practices" in your code. This makes your code more understandable, maintainable and most importantly makes you feel cool 😎

I wish you a safe, healthy and happy coding! 👋

Twitter: @Sadiqur_Rahman_

Oldest comments (2)

vincentjonathan profile image

According to wiki, Screaming case also known as Macro case

stepanstulov profile image
Stepan Stulov

Really nice overview on capitalization conventions, but naming conventions is a different topic (so title of your post is misleading). I also suggest adding all-smalls case. Screaming case is sometimes called all-caps. Cheers