Certified ScrumMaster training focuses on the process of Scrum. This two-day training course focused mainly on theory, practices, team accountabilities, and the processes within Scrum. The course I took was facilitated by Chet Hendrickson, the co-author of Extreme Programming Installed and the first signatory on of Manifesto for Agile Software Development. Scrum can be applied outside of Software Development, but Chet focused heavily on its aspects within this domain.
Certified Scrum Master - Day 1
Introduction / Meet & Greet
"Estimation is a fool's errand" - value, what you get out of something should be more interesting than what you pay for it
Many waterfall shops out there
"Don't have to apologize for the things that happen in your house" - Chet is down to earth
Cynefin - Dave Snowden
- Simple/Obvious (waterfall/pmi/sdlc)
- Complicated (kanban)
- Complex (scrum/agile/xp)
- Chaotic (exploit)
Complacent zone - fall into chaos
"Nothing changes requirements like running software" - Kent Beck, we don't know what we need to build
Individuals are the source of complexity
Conway's Law - software mirror organization
Sprint is timeboxed experiment
"Resource" not humanizing
Deadlines are usually only concrete in project - made up
Requirements == Wants
"Waterfall Story" - Analysis & Design hit the date!
In most basic form, Scrum is about figuring out how much trouble you are in
Technical Foundation - BDD & TDD
- Quality is Job #1
- Automated Acceptance Tests
- Simple Design - high cohesion, low coupling
- Refactoring
- Unit Tests
- cost of slop on further development
- Pigovian Tax
Product - Are we building the right thing?
Project - Are we on time and budget?
"Scrum, a framework for product development"
Project Goal - why are we here
Sprint Goal - iteration goal relation to project goal
- Stakeholders (outside)
- Product Owner (the what)
- Scrum Master (process)
- Developers (the how/how much, doers) #wholeteam
Purpose it to be effective, not efficient
Shared services, answer to question "How can we go slower"
"Here is our plan, you should not believe it" - planning over plan
Sprints, shorter the better
Planning Horizons:
- Release
- Sprint
- Daily
Sprint Planning - 1 hour * Length in Weeks
- -> refined product backlog
- <- goal, sprint backlog, what+how, dod
Commit to the goal, not the plan
Last responsible moment
Daily Scrum
- timeboxed ~ 15 min
- developers talk to each other
- "hope" to achieve for the day
"Three Questions" no longer apart of the guide
Certified Scrum Master - Day 2
CSM Cert
- 2-day class
- not very hard test (37/50) within 90 days
This is the beginning of the journey
Standup is not a serial interrogation - should be a daily inspect and adapt event
Guided Missle (inspect and adapt) vs Cannon Ball
Sprint Review
- timeboxed - 1 hour * Length in Weeks
- team + stakeholders
- what next?
- -> Product Increment (dod)
- <- Updated Product Backlog + Status
Sprint Retrospective
- timeboxed - 45 min * Length in Weeks
- developers + sm (+ po) -> Working Agreements <- Updated Working Agreements
Scrum Master either facilitates or participates - not both
Safety prerequisite
Agile Retrospectives by Diana Larsen & Esther Derby
Prime Directive:
Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand.
One concrete change
Retrospective anytime - pull the andon cord whenever necessary
Toyota Flow System
Goal is effectiveness, not scrum
Backlog Refinement (Rule of Two Feet)
- all hands
- single
- three (dev + po + test)
Diversity fuels problem solving
Done is binary - yes/no
- Product Increment (real thing)
- Product Backlog (ordered options)
- Sprint Backlog (pbi + plan)
Throw it away, it'll come back if is interesting
More Jenkins, less Jira
- Burn Up
- Burn Down
- Kanban Board
- Definition of Done (dod)
- Working Agreement
"Risk is the water in which the agile fish swims" - Ron Jeffries
Turn on a dime, for a dime
Reference Journal Events: Day 1, Day 2
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