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# Smart Error Explanator: The Next Generation of Debugging

Are you fed up with copy-pasting error messages into ChatGPT or scouring the internet for solutions? Enter Smart Error Explanator, a revolutionary SDK that instantly decodes cryptic error messages, providing clear explanations, suggested fixes, and relevant documentation links. Powered by OpenAI’s API, this tool is designed to save developers valuable time and eliminate the frustration of manual debugging.

Why Smart Error Explanator?

Debugging is one of the most time-consuming parts of JavaScript development. Smart Error Explanator makes JavaScript debugging effortless by:

  • Eliminating the need to copy-paste error messages into ChatGPT or search engines.
  • Offering real-time error debugging for faster issue resolution.
  • Providing instant insights and fixes, reducing manual search efforts.
  • Streamlining the debugging process, enhancing the overall development experience.

Key Benefits

  • Simplicity: Developers just need to wrap their function with wrapFunction() for automatic error handling and SDK invocation.
  • SDK Invocation Only on Errors: The SDK activates only when an error occurs, minimizing unnecessary API calls.
  • Minimal Boilerplate: Wrapping a function requires minimal setup.
  • Automatic Context Passing: Function code and arguments are passed automatically to the SDK, ensuring smooth error handling.


  • Detailed Explanations: Understand the root cause of JavaScript errors.
  • Suggested Fixes: Learn how to resolve or avoid issues.
  • Documentation Links: Access relevant resources for further reading.


To start using the Smart Error Explanator SDK, install it via npm:


npm install smart-error-explanator

This package is tailored specifically for JavaScript developers, making it an essential tool for anyone working in Node.js or browser environments.
npm install dotenv

Usage Examples

1. Handling Errors with explainError

import { explainError, setApiKey } from "smart-error-explanator";
import { config } from "dotenv";

// Load environment variables

// Set the API key

(async () => {
try {
const myObject = null;
console.log(; // This will throw a TypeError
} catch (err) {
await explainError(err); // Get AI-driven debugging insights

2. Wrapping Functions for Automatic Error Insights

import { wrapFunction, setApiKey } from "smart-error-explanator";
import { config } from "dotenv";

// Load environment variables

// Set the API key

const buggyFunction = async (user) => {
console.log(; // Error if address is undefined

const safeFunction = wrapFunction(buggyFunction);

const userInput = { name: "Alice" };

safeFunction(userInput); // Trigger error handler

3. Wrapping Functions Without Try-Catch Blocks

import { wrapFunction, setApiKey } from "smart-error-explanator";
import { config } from "dotenv";

// Load environment variables

// Set the API key

const buggyFunction = async () => {
console.log(b); // This will throw a ReferenceError

const safeFunction = wrapFunction(buggyFunction);

safeFunction(); // Automatic error handling

Sample Output


✔ SUCCESS: API key has been successfully set.

🔍 Error in Function:
async () => {

1. The error "b is not defined" means that the variable `b` is being referenced but has not been declared or defined.

2. Relevant documentation:
- [JavaScript variables](
- [JavaScript scope](

Corrected Code Snippet:

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

async () => {
let b;

Best practices:

- Always declare variables before using them.
- Use `let` or `const` for variable declaration.




## Advantages for Developers

- **AI-Driven Debugging**: Detailed explanations and solutions are displayed directly in the console.
- **No Context Switching**: All debugging happens in your terminal or console.
- **No More Try-Catch Blocks**: Errors are automatically detected and explained.
- **Streamlined Workflow**: Focus on coding while the SDK manages error insights.


## Demo Video

[Watch the demo video]( to see how Smart Error Explanator works in action. The video demonstrates JavaScript-specific debugging scenarios, showcasing how the SDK decodes cryptic errors, provides fixes, and links relevant documentation—all in real-time. to see how Smart Error Explanator works in action. The video demonstrates real-world debugging scenarios, showcasing how the SDK decodes cryptic errors, provides fixes, and links relevant documentation—all in real-time.


Get started today and revolutionize your debugging experience with Smart Error Explanator!

npm install smart-error-explanator

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

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