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Caption This! ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ’ญ

Attention all creative minds! Whatโ€™s the story concealed within this snapshot? It's time to don your thinking caps and craft the wittiest caption.

Three baby bottles filled with condiments

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Top comments (7)

ryencode profile image
Ryan Brown

Requester: The interface is sometimes hard to use... My kid has a tablet he plays paw-patrol on, make it that easy.
Developer (Not a UX designer): ...
Requester (with mouth full of mustard): No not like that!

wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg

"Well, the customers kept acting like babies, so..."

easewithtuts profile image
V Sai Harsha • Edited

A= {x|x includes features of HTML} (ketchup)
B= {x|x includes features of JS} (mayonnaise)
A U B = {JSX} (that middle sauce which idk the name)

frankfont profile image
Frank Font

Attorney taking photograph of bottles her client accidentally fed her baby. Baby was not happy.

mihneasim profile image
Mihnea Simian

Design team: we're employing elaborate market research tools
Also design team: these would make great icons ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿผ

iammtander profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Bottle Chat: The secret tech society of condiments.

codeguage profile image

HTML, JSX (a mixture of HTML and JavaScript) and JavaScript. ๐Ÿ˜