Every Tuesday, we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week. ❤️
Knowledge-retention is a superpower
... and @aurelio has a few tricks to achieve it.
Building a site quickly without compromising quality
@gmlunesa walks us through the process of updating their personal website with an emphasis on speed and quality. Spoiler: the end result is fast, secure, inexpensive, and SEO-tastic.

How I developed and deployed my optimized website within a day
Goldy Mariz Lunesa (@gmlunesa) ・ Oct 30 '20
Why coding is worth it anyway
@thawkin3 gives an honest and vulnerable look at some of the struggles of learning to code -- and why they would choose this path again in a heartbeat, regardless.
“Imagine you’re a cat...
… who is obsessed with potato chips, and has no idea what data science is.” You got me hooked, @orthymarjan!

Data Science For Cats : PART 1
Marjan Ferdousi ・ Oct 26 '20
Remote work, works — here’s why you shouldn’t compromise your pay for it
@hrishikesh1990 shares a super compelling look at why remote workers deserve to be paid a premium. I couldn’t agree more!

Forget pay cut, give me a raise to work remotely
hrishikesh1990 ・ Oct 27 '20
An overlooked, fundamental skill
@annajmcdougall walks us through the art of giving a great compliment and why we should do it more. Great post, Anna!

How to Give Good Compliments
Anna J McDougall ・ Oct 26 '20
Secrets are sneaky
Here’s how to deal with them securely and properly when it comes to Docker images. Thanks, @gasparev!

Advanced Docker: how to use secrets the right way
gasparev ・ Oct 27 '20
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
Top comments (5)
Great posts, @aurelio , @gmlunesa , @thawkin3 , @orthymarjan , @hrishikesh1990 , @annajmcdougall , and @gasparev ! Thank you for sharing your words and knowledge with the DEV community!
Thanks Gracie, glad you liked reading the post :)
Thank you so much! 🖤
Thanks Gracie! 😀
Hey thanks, Gracie!