DEV Community

We Are Turning off Listings

Ben Halpern on August 28, 2023

Hey folks, we wanted to let you know that we will be turning off Listings and Credits on DEV. We will be making this change today, and everyone wit...
aregtech profile image
Artak Avetyan β€’

Sounds like big improvement. I like it πŸ‘Œ

we will be turning off Listings and Credits on DEV.

The Listings is clear, but what about Credits? When users receive a badge, you present credits. Is it changed now?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Yeah, we’re turning off credit awarding for the time being. As mentioned, all legacy credits can still be applied to Pro Tools for promoted impressions.

We may reintroduce credits for badges in the future but would be in a simplified capacity.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair β€’

I never noticed that you get credits when you get a badge!
I mean, I haven't used credits so I haven't been looking particularly hard but I didn't realise there was a link.

aregtech profile image
Artak Avetyan β€’

My personal opinion is that credits for badges is a good motivation keeping members active. A little gift for good content and achievements is worthy 😌

bekahhw profile image
BekahHW β€’

If we're admins of multiple orgs, how do we connect those to the forem pro account? For example, I'm admin of Virtual Coffee and OpenSauced, but I can only figure out how to get one there:

Virtual Coffee in the organization section

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Hold tight, we have this functionality behind a feature flag and had been handling it via support, but I think we are pretty much ready to turn this on.

I'll circle back shortly, this could go live today. Thanks for highlighting this.

bekahhw profile image
BekahHW β€’

thank you!

Thread Thread
ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Okay, this has shipped β€” you can now see this in your Account Settings

You can either link a new DEV Org to your current Pro Tools Team, or create a new Pro Tools Team for that org β€” depending on whether the same team manages multiple DEV org, or the same person manages two distinct orgs on DEV, which each deserve a distinct team on Pro Tools.

Let me know if you run into any problems.

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz β€’

If you sign up for Pro Tools and link your account, we'll automatically detect any credits you've earned or purchased on DEV.

Is there a deadline for the migration? Or will indefinitely remember the amount of remaining credits I have (i.e., until I sign up for the Pro Tools in the future)?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

This is currently indefinite, but we will provide ample notice of 6+ months when we ultimately put a deadline on this.

godot profile image
Godot β€’ β€’ Edited

I'm all in for the better system. And that users can just opt-in or opt-out, I think it's very reasonable. I always unsure with the effectiveness of Listing, putting all the promotions in one bucket.

To use Pro Tools, you must be an admin of a DEV Organization
If you sign up for Pro Tools and link your account, we'll automatically detect any credits you've earned or purchased on DEV.

Let say my organization has two members on DEV. Both has 5 Credits, how would the system handle it, we can only link from one account?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Technically they could each sign up for Pro Tools and add pool them to a team there β€” however, I could see how that would be confusing. You can contact us and we'll make sure to work it out for you, but I will also circle back and see how we can modify our logic to more intuitively handle this situation.

When it doubt, we are very much seeking to accommodate everyone and provide ample support.

sebastienlorber profile image
Sebastien Lorber β€’

Looks great!
Happy to test this new system.

Note Dev is currently offering 10k free impression (150€ value).
But I think there's a bug: if you convert your existing credits to impressions, and then try to buy credits, you don't get the 10k free impressions. Make sure to do the actions in the opposite order until they fix the bug πŸ˜…

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Thanks for the heads up β€” confirmed the bug, we'll patch this.

Have you reached out to support to get your credits? If not, I can treat this as a ticket and backfill your free 10k.

sebastienlorber profile image
Sebastien Lorber β€’ β€’ Edited

I sent them a message at yo + billing 30minutes ago ;)
Just wanted to mention it here in case anyone else had the issue.

While we are at it, I have some questions.

What's the role of this form? Is it worth filling it?
Do you have another advertising system in place that is suitable for small accounts?

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Some initial feedback:

  • The campaign name does not appear in card view, it's hard to see which variations in this view type
  • The billboard preview does not seem to upate in real-time
  • The billoard save/duplicate UX thing is a bit confusing, it's easy to forget to save
  • Feature request: apply some default qs params (like utm_source=dev-billboard) to all outbound links
  • Feature request: limit the impressions per user per period to avoid displaying too many times to the same user
  • Feature request: limit to x impressions / day per campaign
  • Feature request: report conversions through an api to measure per-campaign ROI

This is what I see currently, and it's not going to be easy to manage visually πŸ˜…

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grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev β€’

Tried to set up a Forem Pro account to transfer my credits...but I have to create an org to do that?

If I make an org, how do I then link my username so my credits transfer, do I have to add myself to my own org?a

k1silverman profile image
Silver K β€’

Just letting you know that listings references are still coming through via e-mail newsletters/digests.
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ames0831 profile image
Austin β€’

Hi, Everyone. Nice to meet you.
My focus is on making a contract with a senior blockchain developer to add smart contracts for my project. Additionally, in the future, I plan to launch my own token, similar to Shiba token or Mega Trump tokens. Therefore, I am particularly interested in candidates with a deep understanding and experience in blockchain development and the Web3 space.
I am building a decentralized finance dashboard now.
You can check out the reference website here.

Please feel free to reach out me on telegram if you are interested in my project.

Best Regards.

tomzur profile image
Tomzur πŸš€βœŒοΈ β€’

Thank you for the transparency and letting us know the reasons.

rasheedmozaffar profile image
Rasheed K Mozaffar β€’

I opened the site on my phone, stared at the dashboard for a moment, and I was like, there seems to be something wrong, missing or different, hmmπŸ€”
But then the notification cleared it out 🫠

testing898988 profile image
Hahaha β€’

Will pro tools be available for forem as well? We're running a self hosted instant elf forem, will we be able to offer pro tools to our userS?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Yes, we’ll make as much of it available as possible. Not immediately but I’d love to discuss further. What is your Forem called?