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Why I chose Software Engineering

When this year started, I thought about all the goals I had set and what I was going to achieve and yes, some obstacles that would come in the way. But I never would have thought that in March everything would change and we as a world would stumble upon a huge obstacle. COVID-19. This felt like the world froze for a couple of months and I could take a step back and actually reflect on what it is I want in life. I have a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and I've been working at TSA with Homeland Security for a while. I felt like it was time for something new and I started thinking about Cybersecurity. How amazing would it be to learn more about technology, incorporating my degree with software engineering? That was the motivation I needed to look more into Software Engineering. I spent weeks on FreeCodeCamp and figured out, this is something I genuinely enjoy doing. It's a challenge but it is also very rewarding once you have the issues figured out. The beauty of software engineering is that we are able to build the things that we are passionate about, we're not limited to certain things. You can be creative and that is the kind of person I am, creativity and working hands on. We are able to help others through building an app or even helping our nation by protecting it through cyber security. That to me is my passion.

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