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how to install Miniconda on a Linux Notebook?

You can install Miniconda on a Linux notebook by following these steps:

Download the appropriate Miniconda installation script for your Linux distribution from the official Miniconda website. Choose the version that matches your operating system and architecture (e.g., Linux 64-bit or 32-bit).

Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where the Miniconda installation script was downloaded.

Make the installation script executable by running the following command:

chmod +x

Replace with the actual name of the installation script that you downloaded.

Run the installation script by running the following command:


Again, replace with the actual name of the installation script.

Follow the prompts in the installation script to complete the installation. You will be asked to accept the license agreement, choose the installation location, and specify whether you want Miniconda to be added to your system path.

Once the installation is complete, close the terminal window and open a new one to ensure that the changes to your system path are recognized.

Verify that Miniconda is installed correctly by running the following command:

conda --version

This should display the version number of the Miniconda package manager.

That's it! You can now use Miniconda to create Python environments and install packages on your Linux notebook.

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