DEV Community

Chinwendu Agbaetuo
Chinwendu Agbaetuo

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Find the maximum number in an array - JavaScript

Find the maximum number from an array of positive integers using JavaScript


function findMaxNumber(numbers) {
//Initializes result to track the maximum number, starting at 0.
  let result = 0;

  //Stores the length of the numbers array for use in the loop.
  const numbersLength = numbers.length;

  //Check if the array is not empty before processing it.
  if (numbersLength > 0) {

    //Loops through each number in the array.
    for (let i = 0; i < numbersLength; i++) {

      //Compare each number to the result to check if it's larger.
      if (numbers[i] > result) {

        //Updates result with the current number if it's the largest
        result = numbers[i];
    return result;

  return result;

findMaxNumber([5, 33, 47, 103]);
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> 103
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