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What is Cyberchondria?

Today, many people experience and struggle with a condition called Cyberchondria. Although it does not seem like a disease, Cyberchondria, a modern health problem that negatively affects human psychology, is constantly increasing.

Cyberchondria, about the diseases that individuals believe exist; It is the situation of trying to find information and documents on the internet, trying to find a treatment method and believing that he can make a certain diagnosis. It can also be called a kind of disease disease. Even if people do not have any health problems, they can experience this situation and try to reach a conclusion in line with the findings they do not have. While this situation causes many problems and wrong results, it also causes a lot of problems on the psychology of the person.

Who Gets Cyberchondria?

This syndrome is a problem experienced by people who are obsessed with their health, overly apprehensive and skeptical. The freedom to do research for free by using the internet and to do it comfortably while hiding one's identity is attractive to people, and as a result, the situation of Cyberchondria emerges.

Now, with the transfer of all information to the virtual environment and the active sharing of content by numerous sites and platforms, many types of virtual media addictions have emerged. Cyberchondria disease is seen as one of them.


How Does Cyberchondria Disease Cause Negative Effects?

This disorder affects the person negatively in many respects and reduces the quality of life. First of all, people who have this problem spend almost all their time with this anxiety and doubt. This causes unnecessary waste of time and an unproductive standard of living. In addition, there are communities of false or distorted information as well as correct information on the Internet. For this reason, while people think that they are doing research, they can actually be exposed to many misleading information pollution. Thus, they can wear themselves out by having wrong ideas and delay going to the doctor because they think they are protecting their own diagnosis. As a result of all these, even if the person has a health problem, the diagnosis and treatment that is actually required is delayed and the health of the person is endangered due to the self-diagnosis and treatment.

This article was originally published on diyetcepte, keep visiting it for regular updates.

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