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Discussion on: What is the simplest static site framework?

dmitryvakulenko profile image
Dmitry Vakulenko

Pure html+css

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I like pure HTML+css but I do think markdowns and templates are useful.

tiguchi profile image
Thomas Werner

Then Grav is probably a perfect candidate. It uses markdown files to generate static HTML pages.

dmitryvakulenko profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
Dmitry Vakulenko

If you need a templates this is not a static site. So specify question if you need more correct answer.

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felixdorn profile image
Félix Dorn

wtf? Arguments please ? Definition of a Static Site ?

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deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Yeah, I don't think that's true. If your server is crunching templates and then delivering entirely static content, I don't know why that wouldn't count.

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mathieuhuot profile image
Mathieu Huot

A static website is one that is rendered on requests without extra interventions from the server. So the server responds with a document from the file that sits on the requested location and that's it. When one build a website with a static site generator, although the process is dynamic, the end result is a static website. At least, that's how I understand it!

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Yeah, the templates here are part of a build step. Things are still static in the end.

But on the topic of a "dynamic site" which is actually kind of static:

We serve our pages statically from the edge even though they are dynamically generated. The initial requests to pages on this site are static HTML that never hits our server about 90% of the time.

After I submit this comment, we will re-compute and serve dynamic, but every pageview thereafter will be static until the next change on the page.

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dmitryvakulenko profile image
Dmitry Vakulenko

Static site - is a site that content isn't depend on any external data like GET/POST, time etc.

But templates/framework means you want to substitute some parts on pages on-the-fly. So I asked you to make you question more accurate to understand what exactly you need. Static (or looks like static) sites can be build with a range of tools - from simple text editor to CMS like Wordpress.

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deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Do templates always mean on-the-fly replacement? I'm using them as a means of abstraction for my current project, but by the time a client makes a request everything is already baked. Does the fact that I used a template in the compilation stage, well before deployment, make my site not static? They really only make a difference to the developer, the fully-substituted HTML is actually stored on on the server and is what's ultimately served.

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dmitryvakulenko profile image
Dmitry Vakulenko

No. Not only on-the-fly. But the need of templates depends on many things. It isn't necessary if you want just to make site and forget about it. But if you need to make new pages every day - maybe it will be useful.