DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
dorshinar profile image
Dor Shinar

I agree - I also think that the Deno package management is overlooking good features about npm.

The ability to run npm outdated or npm install some-package@latest is really convenient.

Having a single place when you can find packages also makes finding them very easy and intuitive - just go to and you can find everything you need.

Installing and managing dependencies becomes so much easier with a centralized package registry.

I know Go is using URLs to load deps, so maybe they found a way to make it work in a way resembling a package manager. Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to use it, so I can't tell.

Maybe once the Deno project matures the community will find a way to handle it more gracefully. Although I do think Deno has a lot of merit regarding dependency management - working with absolute versions, dismissing the node_modules folder and only downloading packages once (unless --reload is used) are very nice approaches.