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Richard A. Allen
Richard A. Allen

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Setting up for Drupal's Functional JavaScript tests


About you

You are a Drupal, Symfony, or any kind of PHP dev and are looking for help with a peculiar aspect of unit testing (see title above), a tale from the crypts, or nap time story that will put you to sleep. Probably a combination of all of those. Otherwise you should probably move along ;)

The context

I'm testing a OAuth implementation between Drupal and SoundCloud and using Drupal's functional suite to do so. The rest of my module is using either kernel or regular unit tests. But for OAuth it's either a mock (see tests for Martin1982\OAuth2 on Packagist), or a live call.

I already looked at some mocking methods and I don't like them, too fake; I know, hot take. The SoundCloud service decommissions your access if you do not use it. Baking a live OAuth call into the testing helps keep the access alive (otherwise you'd have to wait months for re-authorization).

I'm aiming to TDD the heck out of a contrib module I'm doing for fun, and so leaving stones unturned (in testing) is not an option. This is our definition of fun in the development department.

Not trying to say one way (mocking) is better than the other (live call), or that there is a right answer. I'm not going to Joel Spolsky this post either. I'm just going with my gut feeling and documenting the process.

Why this post

I already lost the opportunity to document other fixes/discoveries/tips I've done so far with regards to "functional javascript" unit testing today, and so that's why I am starting this post.

I know that not in a week, but rather by tomorrow I'll forget the details because they're too many to keep track of. Not a bug of this business, just a feature. Documenting stuff somewhere is how we deal with this ... loss of context.

Also the sooner I can start dumping my browser tabs somewhere else other than a session saver or OneNote, the faster that I can close them up. Marie Kondo would not approve of the amount of tabs I have open, and neither do I! The thing I hate about dumping an entire browser session is that I'll barely revisit those while hunting for a resource. And OneNote just gets out of control, too... many... notes

Needless to say, you should know this is a raw post. There is no editing. There is no shiny merchandising material, alt coins or artificial intelligence involved.


Before PHPUnit was having trouble connecting to Chrome. A quick telnet in the Lando appserver container confirmed that Chrome was indeed up and reachable by the PHP container:

telnet lando

And before that I dealt with

The "chromeOptions" array key is deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use "goog:chromeOptions instead.

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The link (with fix) to that notice is

I prefer to use environment variables to configure the unit testing because they're easier to access than phpunit.xml. While I've set them before in the Lando config file, setting things in Lando means that you have to rebuild and restart the whole stack for environmental changes to take effect. Time, it just adds up, man.

Instead I put it in a bash helper called by Lando tooling. This is the env var:

# The "chromeOptions" array key is deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0.
# Use "goog:chromeOptions instead. See
export MINK_DRIVER_ARGS_WEBDRIVER='["chrome", {"browserName": "chrome", "goog:chromeOptions": {"args": ["--disable-gpu","--headless", "--no-sandbox", "--disable-dev-shm-usage"]}}, "http://chrome:9515"]'

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Fixing the (second) connectivity issue

My Lando chrome spec needed to be updated to add the allowed origins flag to the chromedriver:

    type: compose
      image: drupalci/webdriver-chromedriver:production
      command: chromedriver --log-path=/tmp/chromedriver.log --verbose --allowed-origins=* --whitelisted-ips=

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Note that there is a myriad chromedriver images out there, and that the drupalci happens to be the one mentioned by either Lando or documentation (maybe).

Credit for that fix is in Github, thanks to user @Niklan.

Access is denied and invalid cookie domain

Mink is reporting Failed to read the 'sessionStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.

mink log

PHPUnit is reporting
Test Skipped (Drupal\Tests\musica\FunctionalJavascript\FooTest::testMyFirstJavasScriptTest)
An unexpected error occurred while starting Mink: invalid cookie domain

phpunit log

T.B.C., 6/7/24

I still have 30 or so browser tabs open (lol) and have to hunt this one down.

Love spending time on testing infrastructure instead of "actual code" (sarcasm).

It's well past beyond midnight and tomorrow is another day. I'll come back to update this post as I move along.

T.B.C. ...

Invalid cookie domain, 6/8/24

This seems to be highly correlated to env vars SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL and BROWSERTEST_OUTPUT_BASE_URL. I changed the first from secure https to plain-text http. The URL belongs to the Lando project hosting the Docker and Drupal stack.

Here is what my environment variables for PHPUnit are looking like now:

# Variables by integration tests.
export SIMPLETEST_DB="mysql://drupalX:drupalX@database/drupal10_simpletest"
export BROWSERTEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY="$SITES_PATH/simpletest/browser_output"

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This feels good, this is a great start to my weekend. The Chrome webdriver logs went from displaying nada to basically a million lines of verbose output? It's doing a lot of something!

Another good thing that happened is that the invalid cookie domain error in the PHPUnit logs went away (when run with the --debug flag), and I got a hit in the breakpoint for one of the tests. Both dummy tests I have in place were getting skipped before and so no test function breakpoints were getting hit.

phpunit log

Now here's an interesting error that I've never seen before while doing Unit or Kernel tests in Drupal:

PHPUnit\Framework\Exception: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught AssertionError: Transaction $stack was not empty.

All I have for my dummy test is the following:

   * Stub.
  public function testCancelExpressionInRule(): void {
    $page = $this->getSession()->getPage();

    $this->assertTrue(TRUE, 'dumb assertion');

    $test = NULL;

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I'll be interesting to see where that error is coming from. I've never done this particular kind of test in Drupal (Functional JavaScript through PHPUnit), so I'll be learning something new and sharing it here.

T.B.C., see you later today!

Test Class Structure, 6/8/24 1:44pm

I want to make a brief note about how the Functional JavaScript test is structured.

When I declare my test, the class looks something like this:

class FooTest extends WebDriverTestBase {

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The covers nothing group is used because as far as I understand, Functional and Functional JavaScript tests are not able to cover anything (hence they cover nothing). The group is arbitrary and I use it to fine-tune which tests get run.

Note the extension of WebDriverTestBase. This is an abstract class in Drupal core, which itself extends BrowserTestBase.

 * Runs a browser test using a driver that supports JavaScript.
 * Base class for testing browser interaction implemented in JavaScript.
 * @ingroup testing
abstract class WebDriverTestBase extends BrowserTestBase {

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WebDriverTestBase is located at core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalJavascriptTests/WebDriverTestBase.php.

BrowserTestBase itself extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase, which as the namespace indicates comes from PHPUnit itself.

So the inheritance hierarchy looks something like this:

PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase -> BrowserTestBase -> WebDriverTestBase -> YourFooBarTest

The reason why I bring this up is because the BrowserTestBase->setUp() method is interesting:

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp(): void {


    // Allow tests to compare MarkupInterface objects via assertEquals().
    $this->registerComparator(new MarkupInterfaceComparator());


    // Install Drupal test site.

    // Setup Mink. Register Mink exceptions to cause test failures instead of
    // errors.

    // Set up the browser test output file.

    // Ensure that the test is not marked as risky because of no assertions. In
    // PHPUnit 6 tests that only make assertions using $this->assertSession()
    // can be marked as risky.

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In particular,

    // Install Drupal test site.

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Why is this interesting? Well, on the Chrome driver logs I'm seeing the following:

[1717864444.039][DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Page.getFrameTree (id=30) (session_id=DFB171623C6AD0FD50AE0D2C08195426) 0A012DB02731872ED0B91131E95AB5F4 {
   "frameTree": {
      "frame": {
         "adFrameStatus": {
            "adFrameType": "none"
         "crossOriginIsolatedContextType": "NotIsolated",
         "domainAndRegistry": "",
         "gatedAPIFeatures": [  ],
         "id": "0A012DB02731872ED0B91131E95AB5F4",
         "loaderId": "D4966004B7AA6D4BA7B903A2FC1BE098",
         "mimeType": "text/html",
         "secureContextType": "InsecureScheme",
         "securityOrigin": "",
         "url": ""

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This is odd because as I highlighted above, the Functional JavaScript test, by capacity of it's inheritance model is supposed to $this->installDrupal();.

Basically PHPUnit installs it's own database scheme, separate from whatever the default Lando/DDev/Docker database is for your Drupal instance. And it does it for each test suite, at the bare minimum. Not 100% sure if it does it for each single test case, but it works along those broad outlines. The finer-grained details of how many times the database is installed is not relevant here, just the fact that PHPUnit installs the database at least once is.

When I see install.php it means that something is still probably amiss in the PHPUnit configuration... because the test cases should be visiting an already-installed Drupal instance, not a yet-to-be installed instance.

Digging into it.

C.U. later

Wholly molly: Transaction $stack was not empty

Well I didn't see this one coming, certainly out of leftfield it came.

The full error (minus stack trace) is: PHPUnit\Framework\Exception: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught AssertionError: Transaction $stack was not empty. Active stack: 666487f8d33255.42467631\drupal_transaction in /app/docroot/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Transaction/TransactionManagerBase.php:99

Luckily the first Google result is for D.O. issue #3405976: Transaction autocommit during shutdown relies on unreliable object destruction order (xdebug 3.3+ enabled)

Scrolling through the comments I see Mondrake mention that a fix is to disable xdebug's develop mode.

Let's see, what does my Lando say:


    # Lies, deception: tell Lando it's 8.2 instead of 8.3.
    type: php:8.2

    xdebug: "debug,develop,coverage"
      php: ../lando/resources/php.ini

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www-data@31a2e4846210:/app/docroot$ echo $XDEBUG_MODE

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I'm definitely not gonna spend a dollar or two in electricity rebuilding the Docker stack, times are tight!

I go to my trusty Bash test runner for PHPUnit and change XDEBUG_MODE:

# From this :
# export XDEBUG_MODE="debug,develop,coverage"

# To this :
export XDEBUG_MODE="debug"

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Coverage hasn't been working at all for me lately, so I'll leave it disabled until I get to that particular bone another day.

Fixing XDebug fatal error


PHPUnit 10.5.20 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.3.7
Configuration: /app/docroot/web/core/phpunit.xml.dist


Time: 00:37.061, Memory: 12.00 MB

Foo (Drupal\Tests\musica\FunctionalJavascript\Foo)
 ✘ Cancel expression in rule
   ├ PHPUnit\Framework\Exception: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught AssertionError: Transaction $stack was not empty. Active stack: 666487f8d33255.42467631\drupal_transaction in /app/docroot/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/Transaction/TransactionManagerBase.php:99
   ├ Stack trace:
Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1.

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PHPUnit 10.5.20 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.3.7
Configuration: /app/docroot/web/core/phpunit.xml.dist

.F                                                                  2 / 2 (100%)

Time: 01:03.459, Memory: 12.00 MB

Foo (Drupal\Tests\musica\FunctionalJavascript\Foo)
 ✔ Cancel expression in rule
 ✘ My first javas script test
   ├ Behat\Mink\Exception\UnsupportedDriverActionException: Status code is not available from Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\DrupalSelenium2Driver
Tests: 2, Assertions: 5, Failures: 1.

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Notice the test result goes from E to .F, which in PHPUnit lingo means the first unit test ran! I must say I was surprised when I saw that dot "pop up".

If you're wondering what version of Xdebug you're running, just do php -v, like so:

www-data@31a2e4846210:/app/docroot$ php -v
PHP 8.3.7 (cli) (built: Jun  6 2024 01:39:14) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.3.7, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v8.3.7, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
    with Xdebug v3.4.0alpha2-dev, Copyright (c) 2002-2024, by Derick Rethans

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The D.O. issue mentions Xdebug 3.3+, and I'm on 3.4.x, so the version matches the description, along with the database-related fatal error stack trace. Another win for today.


With the last fix for Xdebug addressed, and all the kinks of getting Chrome up and running for the Drupal Functional JavaScript tests (I really wish they changed the name to something shorter), I am going to wrap up this post.

With this part of the testing infrastructure fully operational I can now finally go around my business of actually writing software as opposed to infrastructure as software.

I'm sure these errors will pop up someday again and I'll be glad I posted this here for my future self.

If you have any questions or feedback, make sure to use the comments below!

I will leave here the bash test runner I've been referencing through the post:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ========= LANDO TEST RUNNER =========
# ========= LANDO TEST RUNNER =========
echo "Your current work directory is $PWD"
mkdir -p web/sites/simpletest/browser_output
# Enable debugging.
# export XDEBUG_MODE="debug,develop,coverage"
# export XDEBUG_CONFIG="idekey=VSCODE"
# Variables by integration tests.
export SIMPLETEST_DB="mysql://drupalX:drupalX@database/drupal10_simpletest"
export BROWSERTEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY="$SITES_PATH/simpletest/browser_output"
# export SIMPLETEST_DB="sqlite://localhost/:memory:"
# MINK_DRIVER_ARGS configuration is used for functional tests.
# MINK_DRIVER_ARGS_WEBDRIVER is used for functional JavaScript tests.
# The "chromeOptions" array key is deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0.
# Use "goog:chromeOptions instead. See
export MINK_DRIVER_ARGS_WEBDRIVER='["chrome", {"browserName": "chrome", "goog:chromeOptions": {"args": ["--disable-gpu","--headless", "--no-sandbox", "--disable-dev-shm-usage"]}}, "http://chrome:9515"]'
# Coverage is going to hang the second you bring kernel and higher tests, so avoid it.
# For more info on this, see
# - (2024)
# - (2024)
php -d session.cookie_domain="" vendor/bin/phpunit \
--bootstrap web/core/tests/bootstrap.php \
--configuration web/core/phpunit.xml.dist \
--exclude-group ignore \
--group javascript \
--stop-on-defect \
--do-not-cache-result \
--no-coverage \
--display-errors \
--testdox \
# --debug \
# --log-events-verbose-text log.txt \
# curl -o phpunit

Here is the current Landofile .lando.yml I am using. Notice I am not using Lando's default PHP image. This is because my current version of Lando does not support the latest Lando PHP recipe, so I had to cook my own PHP image in order to get the latest PHP.

# Boilerplate for Drupal 10 projects with existing external source code.
name: core
recipe: drupal10
# Package drupal/core-recommended will place the web root at docroot/web.
# If you don't set that here you'll be greeted with a misconfigured Apache response.
# Package drupal/core still places web root at regular docroot.
webroot: docroot/web
composer_version: 2-latest
- ../resources/default.env
- private.env
description: Executes Drush commands
service: appserver
cmd: php docroot/vendor/bin/drush --root=/app/docroot
description: Executes Drupal Console commands
service: appserver
cmd: php docroot/vendor/bin/drupal --root=/app/docroot
description: Executes composer commands
service: appserver
cmd: php /usr/local/bin/composer
dir: /app/docroot
# Nov 13, 2023
# MariaDB 10.6 is the current long-term maintenance stable version.
# The first stable release was in July 2021, and it will be maintained until July 2026.
type: mariadb:10.6
portforward: true
user: drupalX
password: drupalX
database: drupalX
database: ../lando/resources/custom.cnf
- mysql -uroot -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS drupal10_simpletest;"
- mysql -uroot -e "GRANT ALL ON drupal10_simpletest.* TO 'drupalX'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;"
- mysql -uroot -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS drupal11_simpletest;"
- mysql -uroot -e "GRANT ALL ON drupal11_simpletest.* TO 'drupalX'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;"
type: memcached:1
portforward: false
mem: 64
type: compose
image: drupalci/webdriver-chromedriver:production
command: chromedriver --log-path=/tmp/chromedriver.log --verbose --allowed-origins=* --whitelisted-ips=
# Drupal 9 requires at least PHP 7.3. PHP 7.4 is also supported but not required. PHP 8 is supported from Drupal 9.1.0.
# November 13, 2023
# Drupal 9.5.11 recommends PHP 8.1.6 or higher, "Drupal wants at least 8.0".
# Lies, deception: tell Lando it's 8.2 instead of 8.3.
type: php:8.2
# Substitute default $cwd app mount with arbitrary external app source.
app_mount: false
xdebug: "debug,develop,coverage"
php: ../lando/resources/php.ini
# Dockerfile credit:
# Issue:
image: alexanderallen/lando-custom-php:8.3.7-apache-bullseye
build: .
# Configure external app source.
# - ~/3445847:/app
- ~/dreamy-ritchie:/app
- ../lando:/opt/lando
tty: true
# stdin_open: true
# XDEBUG_CONFIG: "idekey=VSCODE,discover_client_host=false"
# Optional, set XDEBUG_MODE manually.
# XDEBUG_MODE: debug,develop,coverage
# XDEBUG_MODE: "debug,develop,coverage"
# MINK_DRIVER_ARGS_WEBDRIVER: '["chrome", {"browserName":"chrome","chromeOptions":{"args":["--disable-gpu","--headless"]}}, "http://chrome:9515"]'
# Set privately via private.env for Windows environments.
# XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST: <replace with WSL ipconfig/eth0>
# OSX environments may sometimes use:
# XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST: host.docker.internal
# Before service runs, as root.
- addgroup www-data tty
- mkdir -p /opt/${LANDO_APP_NAME}/private
- chgrp www-data /opt/$LANDO_APP_NAME/private
- chmod g+rw /opt/${LANDO_APP_NAME}/private
- apt update -y
- apt-get install -y telnet iputils-ping iproute2 lsb-release
- echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php-sury.list
# Use xdebug, pcov is for the weak.
# - pecl install pcov
# - docker-php-ext-enable pcov
# PHP docs.
- mkdir /usr/local/share/psysh/
- wget -O /usr/local/share/psysh/php_manual.sqlite
- chown www-data /usr/local/share/psysh/php_manual.sqlite
# Before service runs, as non-root.
# For installs with existing composer.json.
- composer --no-interaction --working-dir=docroot install

If you really want or need to build your own Docker container like I'm doing, just check out the Lando issue I'm referencing at It contains pretty much the Dockerfile I'm using in the build parameter. I'm not pushing it (the image is massive), so you'll literally have to build instead of pulling if you go that route.

For the Lando tooling in .lando.base.yml, the relevant config is:

  # Call PHPUnit from the directory that contains Drupal core /vendor.
  # It's where bootstrap.php expects to be called from.
    description: Debug PHPUnit
    dir: /app/docroot
      - appserver: ./test-lando

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That's it for today, Brooklyn sends its regards!

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