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Cover image for Day 444 : 4:44

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Day 444 : 4:44

liner notes:

  • Professional : Had quite a few meetings today. In between them, I was able to get some code in. I implemented a new way to get some data and store as an environmental variable. Got to use some stuff like child process that I've never really had a chance to before. I tested it out as much as I could and sent it off to a team member to test it out since I don't have a Facebook account. I'll check it out tomorrow and see if it worked. Reviewed a PR for an update to a library and made some comments. Also got started on documenting how to style the Web Components I made. Not a bad day. Looking forward to buttoning up a few of them before the weekend tomorrow.

  • Personal : Last night, I watched Marvel "What If...?". It was a really good one with a sad ending. Went through tracks for the radio show. Ordered some food and stuff. Did some research on some potential future purchases. Didn't do any coding because my brain was fried. haha.

Landscape of Yosemite, CA, United States with gray mountains and a waterfall in the distance with a green and orange-red forest filling the valleys under the cover of a large shadow

Going to go through more tracks tonight. Maybe do some coding. The part with setting up the schema for the database always trip me up. Figuring out what data I'll need and what's the best way to store and access it. I want to watch an episode of Boruto, probably over dinner. Pretty much it.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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