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Cover image for Day 76 : The Life

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Day 76 : The Life

liner notes:

  • Professional : Today was a rough one. Had some pretty bad news the past couple of days and been kind of hard to focus. I did attend the talk prep sessions today, had a meeting with my manager, reviewed some JavaScript guides and worked on my Web Component project. I think I may have found a bug. I was able to recreate it. Going to have a coworker see if they can get it to happen on their end as well. Hopefully it's just something I'm missing or something. Pretty much got all the Web Components created, just need to clean some things up and figure out what's up with the bug I'm running into.

  • Personal : Went to the Black Orlando Tech panel discussion last night and had a really good time. I also heard some pretty hard news. I don't know. Life is funny. Going to another event tonight. I was kind of hesitant at first, but with how things are going, I think it's important to go.

Lakeland, England countryside with a valley and mountains

Hoping tomorrow goes a little better. Want to write up some tests for my web components and get everything pushed to GitHub so that my teammates can take a look at them and let me get some feedback. Going to see if I can get some work in for this week's radio show.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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