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Authentication with Nodejs and mongoDB - Part 4

This will be the final part of this authentication series with Nodejs and mongoDB. Please checkout the previous article to catch up quickly.

In this tutorial, we will be looking at protecting some routes until a user is authenticated (logged in). Stick with me.

Starter project

The starter project for this tutorial can be gotten here

  • Open your terminal and run git clone --branch login-endpoint
  • Navigate into the folder cd auth-backend.
  • Run npm install.
  • Run nodemon index. This starts up the server

Create 2 endpoints

We will need 2 endpoints in order to be able to show how authorization works. Copy the following endpoints and paste into the app.js file just before the last line.

// free endpoint
app.get("/free-endpoint", (request, response) => {
  response.json({ message: "You are free to access me anytime" });

// authentication endpoint
app.get("/auth-endpoint", (request, response) => {
  response.json({ message: "You are authorized to access me" });
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Feel free to check if the endpoints are working on postman or a browser

Create the authentication function

Here, we are creating a function that will enable us protect a particular endpoint until the user is authenticated.

  • Create a file in the root directory and name it auth.js

  • Import jasonwebtoken at the top of the file

const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");

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  • Create and export an asynchronous function in which our authorization code will live

module.exports = async (request, response, next) => {


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  • In the function, we will use a try...catch... block to check if a user is logged in.

    try {

    } catch (error) {
            error: new Error("Invalid request!"),

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  • In the try{} block, let's get the authentication token from the authorization header

//   get the token from the authorization header
    const token = await request.headers.authorization.split(" ")[1];

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  • Next, let's check if the token that was generated matches the token string (RANDOM-TOKEN) we entered initially

//check if the token matches the supposed origin
    const decodedToken = await jwt.verify(

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  • Next, pass in the details of the decodedToken to user constant

// retrieve the user details of the logged in user
    const user = await decodedToken;

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  • Pass the user to the endpoint like so:

// pass the the user down to the endpoints here
    request.user = user;

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Finally, open the way to the endpoint like so:

// pass down functionality to the endpoint

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Our auth.js file now looks like this:

const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");

module.exports = async (request, response, next) => {
  try {
    //   get the token from the authorization header
    const token = await request.headers.authorization.split(" ")[1];

    //check if the token matches the supposed origin
    const decodedToken = await jwt.verify(token, "RANDOM-TOKEN");

    // retrieve the user details of the logged in user
    const user = await decodedToken;

    // pass the the user down to the endpoints here
    request.user = user;

    // pass down functionality to the endpoint

  } catch (error) {
      error: new Error("Invalid request!"),

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Protecting the endpoint

This is the final and simplest step. We will start by importing the authentication function to the app.js file like so:

const auth = require("./auth");

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Now go to the authentication endpoint in the app.js file and add auth as a second argument like so

// authentication endpoint
app.get("/auth-endpoint", auth, (request, response) => {
  response.json({ message: "You are authorized to access me" });

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And that is it. That is all we need to protect that route. Let's test it out


If the user is not logged in

Alt Text

If the user is logged in

  • Login Like so:

Alt Text

  • Copy the token

  • Open a new tab on postman

  • Select bearer token in the authentication type

  • Paste the token in the token field and send the request

Alt Text


One last thing!

We need to handle CORS error. This will allow the user in the frontend to consume the APIs that we have created without any problem.

  • To do this navigate to the app.js file

  • Add the following code just below the dbConnect() line

// Curb Cores Error by adding a header here
app.use((req, res, next) => {
  res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content, Accept, Content-Type, Authorization"

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And with this, you are a nodejs authentication champion!!!


This part concludes this series on authentication with nodejs and mongoDB. We have seen how to create a registration and login endpoint, how to create protection on the endpoints if we deem fit.

All codes are found here

Next, we will be looking at how to host this app on heroku. See you soon

Top comments (7)

sarahleclair profile image
Sarah Leclair • Edited

Thank you so much for this tutorial.

ebereplenty profile image

You are welcome πŸ€—

Thank you for reading 😊

jimmy__93 profile image
Jimmy Nguyen

Thanks a lot for this toturial.
It's really easy to understand and based on this, I can extend this into my own projects.
Thank you.

ebereplenty profile image

You are welcome πŸ€—

muhammadabir profile image
Muhammad ABir

thanks a lot brother..... you made it so easy

gmcamposano profile image

Excellent Njoku! Thank you man

ebereplenty profile image

You are welcome.
I am happy you found it helpful