DEV Community

E Meier
E Meier

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IST 402 Intro


Hi, my name is Elizabeth Meier and I am a senior at Penn State majoring in Human-Centered Design & Development with an application focus in Data Sciences and a minor in Chinese. Around campus I'm involved in the Penn State Blue Band as well as president of my sorority. Although I have not had any official internships, I volunteered my technical and design skills for a couple nonprofits where I gained valuable experience. This summer I was fortunate enough to be offered a full-time job at EY where I will start working once I graduate in the Spring!

Why Web Dev

I am interested in web development because I am always looking to learn and improve my coding skills. While I have a little bit of experience with JavaScript, I believe it is my weakest coding language and I am eager to improve as I think it will be beneficial later in my career. Additionally, I enjoy front-end development a lot because of the opportunities for creativity. I also am looking forward to getting more experience with GitHub throughout the semester.

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