DEV Community

Cover image for Super Coding Soundtrack
Elliot Mangini
Elliot Mangini

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Super Coding Soundtrack

Hello World!

I'm a new student to coding-- excited to make some cool new things happen!

Today I'm making a soundtrack to code to on Spotify which I'm sure will be the first of many! This one is frenetic, expansive, and lush with lots of ear candy.

Coding Soundtrack Screenshot from TT.FM

The inspiration for this playlist is an old chatroom on which was one of the earlier "listen together" platforms and had cute avatars you can see above. There was a room called Coding Soundtrack that I would hang out in long before I got into programming. I think TT.FM, now defunct, is still unmatched for group listening. "DJs", limited to five at a time, would first hang out for a while as listeners and after working their way through the queue would get the chance to be on stage. It was so fun!

Big Sister Logo

I'm coming from being primarily focused on my electronic music project called Big Sister! If you like what you hear I'd love to point you towards my A/V sets which are less bite-sized immersive audio visual music pieces right here as well as my other links and creations. I'll also be doing more Twitch streams soon as I've recently started incorporating DJ sets into my performances where in the past I've always played all-original sets-- it's been a lot of fun so I'm excited to do it more!

Twitter + Socials

I made a new Twitter account to use for non-music stuff and I'd like to connect with you all there.

Check Out bcrypt!

One twitter account I recommend is Yan "bcrypt" who I became aware of through the dance music scene. She posts lots of interesting stuff about privacy and security and new tech, she was an early dev for Brave iirc, and she posts other fun stuff that's hard to categorize like this drawing of the US she did from memory.

bcrypt drawing of the US from memory

I'd also like to specifically mention my Discord Server because it's one of my favorite platforms for connecting. It's primarily music-focused but it'll be good to have some new friends in the mix!

Thanks for having me, DEV community!
-Elliot/Big Sis

Top comments (4)

f53 profile image

Playlist review:

This is super interesting, I may give it a shot, but a fair amount of the music here is far more "bright" than my normal style.

My own music

Depending on the day I switch between a lot of styles of music for programming.

Most of the time I go for my chill playlist, which is all of the songs from a select few artists, making for an about 13 hr length, so you wont ever get frustrated by songs repeating.

On occasion I will get in the mood for a lot of bass and not much else, I have a playlist of Phonk. I don't listen to this often though because there isn't much good music of this style that has favorable lyrics. Speaking of unfavorable lyrics, this playlist contains songs that have them.

Other times I just want to jam.
I have 2 options, my Nostalgia playlist, which features a whole bunch of the songs I remember being on the radio when that was a thing.

And this, which is a genre I don't know the name of, I don't know half of the names of the songs, and I have no idea how to reconstruct a playlist resembling it. Some of my best code happens while listening to it and I have no clue why.

elliotmangini profile image
Elliot Mangini

Lemme know if you have any coding music recommendations :)

marcosba profile image

For focus i use "LoFi" music.
This playlist is all you need for that.

elliotmangini profile image
Elliot Mangini

nice one!