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Emil Ossola
Emil Ossola

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Solving Java OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace

Java's OutOfMemoryError is a common error that most Java developers have encountered. The error occurs when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) runs out of memory. Java 8 and above have introduced Metaspace, which replaces the PermGen memory space. Metaspace is used to store class metadata and is unlimited by default. The OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace error is usually caused by two things: leaking classloaders and increased application demand.

Java Metaspace Error Caused by Leaking Classloaders

One of the major reasons for the OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace is leaking classloaders. When a class is loaded for the first time, the JVM creates a corresponding ClassLoader instance that loads the class metadata into the Metaspace. When the class is no longer needed, the ClassLoader instance should be garbage collected along with its associated metadata. However, if there is a reference to a ClassLoader instance in the application code or any third-party libraries, it prevents the ClassLoader and its associated metadata from being garbage collected, leading to a Metaspace memory leak. This issue can be addressed by identifying and removing the sources of these references or by increasing the Metaspace memory limit if necessary.

Java Metaspace Error Caused by Increased application demand

As applications grow in complexity and size, so does their demand for memory. This increased demand can lead to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) running out of space in the Metaspace, resulting in an OutOfMemoryError. Metaspace is a part of the JVM that stores class metadata, which includes information about classes and their methods. When this space is exhausted, it can cause the JVM to crash and the application to fail. As a result, it is important to understand how to monitor and manage Metaspace to prevent this error from occurring.

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Java's Metaspace is a part of the memory that is allocated for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to store metadata information about the classes, methods, and other resources used by a Java application. It replaces the older Permanent Generation (PermGen) memory space from Java 8 onwards. The size of the Metaspace is determined dynamically by the JVM, unlike PermGen, which used to have a fixed size. The Metaspace is used to store class definitions, method information, and reflection data. The data stored in Metaspace is also garbage-collected by the JVM when it is no longer needed. However, if the Metaspace runs out of memory, it can result in an OutOfMemoryError, causing the JVM to crash.

As a Java developer, it is crucial to understand the OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace error and the impact it can have on your application. This error occurs when the Metaspace, which is a part of the native heap where metadata about classes and methods are stored, is full and cannot allocate more memory. If this error is not resolved, it can cause your application to crash, leading to downtime and unhappy users. Therefore, it is essential to know how to identify and resolve this error to ensure the smooth running of your Java application.

To solve a Java OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace, you can try the following approaches:

  1. Increase the Metaspace size: By default, the Metaspace size is determined by the amount of native memory available to the JVM. You can increase the Metaspace size by specifying the -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize parameter when starting the JVM. For example: -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m sets the maximum Metaspace size to 256 megabytes.

  2. Analyze and reduce Metaspace usage: Review your code and dependencies to identify any unnecessary class loading or excessive use of dynamic class generation. Reduce the usage of reflection, as it can lead to increased Metaspace consumption. Make sure you are not creating unnecessary class instances or holding references to objects that are no longer needed.

  3. Monitor and tune Metaspace usage: Use tools like Java VisualVM or jstat to monitor Metaspace usage during the execution of your application. Analyze the patterns and identify if there are any spikes or continuous growth in Metaspace consumption. This can help you pinpoint specific areas of your code or third-party libraries that are causing excessive Metaspace usage.

  4. Increase the overall memory available to the JVM: If increasing the Metaspace size doesn't resolve the issue, you might need to increase the overall memory available to the JVM. You can do this by specifying the -Xmx parameter with an appropriate value. For example: -Xmx1024m sets the maximum heap size to 1024 megabytes.

  5. Check for memory leaks: In some cases, memory leaks can lead to increased Metaspace usage. Analyze your code for any potential memory leaks, such as holding onto objects unnecessarily or not releasing resources properly. Use memory profiling tools like VisualVM or Java Flight Recorder to identify memory leak patterns and fix them.

It's important to note that the specific solution will depend on the nature of your application and the root cause of the Metaspace error. It may require a combination of the above approaches and further investigation to resolve the issue.

Symptoms of the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace error message

This error message appears when a Java application has exceeded the available memory in the Metaspace. When this happens, the application crashes, and the user is unable to continue using it. Some of the common symptoms of this error include:

  • The application crashes with the error message java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace.
  • The application may become unresponsive or slow to respond.
  • The CPU usage may increase significantly when the error occurs.
  • The logs may show a high number of class unloading messages.
  • The class loading may slow down or stop completely.

It is important to identify and resolve this error as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the application.

Diagnosis of the error: Monitoring memory usage and Analyzing heap dumps

When dealing with OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace errors in Java, it is important to diagnose the root cause of the issue in order to efficiently solve the problem. One approach is to monitor the memory usage of the application and identify any spikes or abnormal behavior. This can be done using various tools such as JConsole, VisualVM, or any other Java profiling tool.

In addition, analyzing heap dumps can provide valuable insights into the memory usage of the application, including identifying which classes or objects are taking up the most space in the Metaspace. Tools such as Eclipse Memory Analyzer or YourKit can be used to analyze heap dumps and provide detailed reports on memory usage. By diagnosing the issue and pinpointing the root cause, developers can take the necessary steps to resolve the OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace.

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Monitoring memory usage

In Java, the heap memory is usually monitored using tools such as JConsole or JVisualVM. However, these tools don't provide any insights into the metaspace memory usage. To monitor the metaspace memory usage of a Java application, we can use the Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface (JVMTI). The JVM Tool Interface provides a mechanism to monitor and manage the JVM. It provides events for memory allocation, garbage collection, and class loading, among others. Using these events, we can build tools to monitor the metaspace memory usage of a Java application.

Analyzing Heap Dumps

When dealing with OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace, analyzing heap dumps can provide valuable insights. Heap dumps are a snapshot of the JVM's memory at a specific point in time. They contain information about the objects in memory, their references, and their sizes. Analyzing heap dumps can help identify memory leaks, identify the culprits of high memory usage, and verify that the JVM is releasing memory as expected. There are several tools available for analyzing heap dumps, such as Eclipse Memory Analyzer and VisualVM. Once the heap dump is analyzed, it is possible to take corrective action to optimize memory usage and prevent OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace from occurring.

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How to Solve Java OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace

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