CSS Art Challenge 2024
This is a submission for Frontend Challenge - December Edition, CSS Art: December.
After stumbling upon Bryan James' site, where he created 30 endangered species utilizing CSS polygons, I took it as a sign to start experimenting with this nifty tool.
- Sketch: Sketched out a partridge in triangles, inspired by the song 12 Days of Christmas.
- Outline: Outlined the elements in HTML, roughly molded them into the desired shapes with CSS polygons.
- Refine: Manually shifted the elements into place.
- Styling: Updated colors, added some animation for pizzaz.
- Mobile: Well, there's a reason why they say "mobile first." Upon testing on smaller screens the elements scattered, so I manually updated the element's height and width to accommodate smaller screens.
In Bryan James' site a JS tracer was used on existing images to create the polygons. I opted for a less sophisticated approach for time and sanity sake, but I imagine with a tracer the polygons could have been created dynamically and would have made mobile styling and animations a lot easier - perhaps a project for next time :) I had fun and learned quite a bit with this one though!
Top comments (3)
What a cool idea to make the bird out of sharp shapes - looks great!
This is so cute!
This is quite interesting.