
John Rasine Irem
John Rasine Irem

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Github Profile Finder Project: A Walkthrough

Part 1: The Basics

So, it was the end of my second semester at AltSchool Africa and I had an exam project to create a site showing my github profile and details about my repositories. In this article, I will explain how I went about implementing this project.


As far as tooling goes, this project was made using Replit, which is an online IDE and I did this so I could work anywhere and on any device on my project. Replit comes with React tooling already set up (via Vite) so you can set up a new React project in seconds and install packages using the GUI.


All of the code was initially written in a single App component to make it so that I could get a working prototype as quickly as possible. All refactoring will be done in a more advanced portion of this article.


I identified the most important steps to get my project up and running to be:

  • Fetching my account from the github API using the Fetch API.
  • Creating some basic state to assign the fetch results to.

Fetching data from an API and setting that data to a state (using a setter function) will often reuquire the use of the useEffect hook. This is done in order to avoid an infinite re-rendering cycle in React as the JSON objects fetched cannot be read as the same result even if they contain the exact same content.
I hence created an asynchronus getUser() function to handle all my API calls and promises. In that function, I implemented the fetch as follows:

const totalRepos= await fetch(``)
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Creating state to assign the data to went as follows:
const [currentPage, setCurrentPage]= useState('')
This state is what will be used to track and change paginated data coming from the API.

A second fetch was then implemented in the getUser function this time, to get the actual repositories and their data:

      // console.log(res)
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toSetRepos is a setter function that gets a repos array for whatever the current page searched from the API is.
toSetPageCount calculates the number of pages needed to accomodate all the repos in my profile based on a fixed reposPerPage variable.

To make sure that I am able to get a certain list of repos based on which page in the fetch request is specified(currentPage):

}, [currentPage])
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Now, whenever the component is mounted or there is a change to currentPage via a setter function, my getUser function runs.

In order to display the repos, a Cards component was made:

export const Cards=({repos})=>{

    return (
          <Link className='repo-item-link' to={} key={}>
          <h3 className='repo-item' >{}</h3>
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This way, each repo item on the currentPage will be rendered as Link components which link to a new pathway, that will in turn show more specific details partaining to the particular repository.


The first thing is to import Routes and Route from react-router-dom
Routes acts as a container for each individual Route and what it links to.Note that Route needs a path property and an element property. path specifies the directory the webpage goes to in relation to its homepage or parent page. element specifies a component to be displayed based on what directory the webpage is in. An example is as follows:

        <Route path='/' element={<Nav/>}>
          <Route index element={<Home/>}/>
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I created a <Route> for each repository Link (existing in the Cards component) by using the map function and looping through the state that is repos:

           <Route path={`/${}`} key={}               element={<Card 
          language={repo.language}                                           watchers={repo.watchers}

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A route was also created to show a <NotFound/> component anytime the user goes to a wrong directory (*)

<Route path='*' element={<NotFound/>}> </Route>
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As things stand currently, this webpage can only display one small piece of the data fetched from the API at a time, This is because the fetch is paginated and only serves a few repos at a time (reposPerPage) on whatever the currentPage is.
We need a way to dynamically set the currentPage to whatever we want; this is where pagination comes in .
In this project, I created my own basic pagination without any external libraries. My general idea was to use the calculated pageCount gotten from the following snippet in the getUser function: toSetPageCount(Math.ceil(totalRepos/reposPerPage)); this pageCount lets me know the total number of pages I'd need to accomodate all the repositories in my profile. I would then generate a button representing each page and assign an onClick() which calls the setCurrentPage function. Of course, showing every single button at the same time could make the UI bloated so I decided to show only 5 buttons at a time and then make a 'prev' and 'next' button to show the previous or the next 5 buttons if any. This previous and next buttons were set to disable at the beginning and at the end of available pages.
The one thing missing is a way to map through all the pages since the pageCount is not an array. I generated the array using a for loop as follows:

const getPagesArray=()=>{
    let ans=[];
    for(let i=1; i<=pageCount; i++){
    return ans;
  const pagesArray=getPagesArray()
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Now armed with my pagesArray, I can choose to display only a slice() of it in order to show only buttonsPerPage number of buttons at a time (mine is set to five).
There is also state for firstIndex and lastIndex so I can use the prev and next buttons to show the next 5 and previous 5 buttons. This is how the code was written:


           pagesArray.slice(firstIndex, lastIndex).map((num,ind)=> 
             return (
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The prev and next buttons were written like this:

              toSetFirstIndex(firstIndex-buttonsPerPage+1 >=0?

              toSetLastIndex(lastIndex=== pageCount?

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            disabled={lastIndex===pageCount || pageCount<buttonsPerPage}

              toSetLastIndex(lastIndex+buttonsPerPage <=pageCount?lastIndex+buttonsPerPage:pageCount)

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Part 2: Refactoring and Improvements

The 2 main areas I wanted to refactor and improve were :
-Change the pagination components state manager from useState to useReducer
-Move the pagination component out of the App component and make the state available to the App component using the Context API
It started up as follows:

export const PaginationContext=createContext({
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Reducers need an intial state for when the hook is called so i created one. Also I included the main functionalities I wanted to access in the App component which are mostly setter functions.
The context provider was created next which includes the paginationReducer itself:

export const PaginationProvider=({children})=>{

  const paginationReducer=(state, action)=>{
    const {type, payload}= action
    switch (type){
      case 'CHANGE_FIRST_INDEX':
        return {
      case 'CHANGE_LAST_INDEX':
        return {
      case 'change_page':
        case 'change_page_count':
        case 'change_repos':
        return state

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The useReducer is then called and all the setter functions were created in the same format as the toSetFirstIndex below:

const [state, dispatch]= useReducer(paginationReducer, INITIAL_STATE)

  const toSetFirstIndex=(idx)=>{
    dispatch({type:'CHANGE_FIRST_INDEX', payload:idx})
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Part 3: New Features

I added a Search page which basically included a search bar with an onChange handler. The handler's job is to fetch any profiles matching the value of the searchbox:

  const handleChange=async (e)=>{
      await fetch(`${}`)
        } else 
     await fetch(`${}/repos?per_page=${reposPerPage}&page=${currentPage}`)

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In the end if a repository is found to match what is in the searchbox, a div is displayed showing the name and profile picture of the user, also some of the user's repositories are shown if the profile picture is clicked on:

    <div >

      <h1>search page</h1>
      <input type='search' onChange={handleChange} />
      {showError &&<h2>userNotFound</h2>}
      <div className='search-result'>
      <img onClick={handleClick} className="search-img" src={image}/>
        {showRepos&&<Cards repos={repos}/> }
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This was quite a challenging project at times despite how simple it looked on paper but I am glad i got it done. The final outcome
can be found here and the repository of the project can be found here,
Thanks a lot for reading!

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