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Get trending GitHub projects in your new Chrome tab with GitHunt

Fatos Morina on October 16, 2017

GitHub is widely known as one of the most famous version control repository, in which you can find pretty much countless public projects for man...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

This is cool. I had the same thought for a name for a tag on that would be centered around showing off cool GitHub repos. (Playing off Product Hunt and GitHub of course, as I imagine you were thinking)

Anyway, installed GitHunt for now 😁

fatosmorina profile image
Fatos Morina

I am glad to hear that Ben. I like that I get to see new trending repositories in my tab. I believe, GitHub is a bit underrated, and needs more attention, especially from new developers.

vitalets profile image
Vitaliy Potapov • Edited

Great idea! Some time ago I've posted an article "5 ways you can keep track of trending repositories on GitHub". Your solution could definitely be the sixth one! πŸ‘

jerodsanto profile image
Jerod Santo

This is super cool!

I only use Chrome for dev, so it'd be awesome to see it ported to other popular browsers too. Are you open to PRs adding support for other browsers or would you prefer those as separate projects?

(Another way to get a similar fix is with our free and open source newsletter, Changelog Nightly.)

fatosmorina profile image
Fatos Morina

I am glad you like it. I am not the author of this great project. I really like and benefit from it, and simply decided to promote it a little bit. I believe it's better to contact the author.