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Galyna Chekan
Galyna Chekan

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Augmented Reality for Business

You are shopping for a shirt and trying on a couple to decide which one suits you better. Or taking a tour of an apartment in Porto you want to rent this summer. Or what if you are in the market for a new coffee table and instead of flipping through pictures in magazines, you want to to see how it looks in a room. These are all possible scenarios we might encounter at one point or another. Now imagine you can do it from the comfort of your own home without having to visit any of those places. What’s the catch? AR and VR.

augmented reality for business

Playing Star Wars: Jedi Challenge game with Lenovo augmented reality headset at CES 2018

The sibling technologies, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are one of the technology trends that are on everyone’s lips this year. From the Olympics Opening Ceremony to Consumers Electronics Show (CES) last month in Las Vegas where tech giants like Facebook, Google, Lenovo, HTC presented their gears. Predictably, Amazon intends to join the game and is rumored to explore AR, and Samsung has products in the works as well.

Today we take a close-up look at the prospects of augmented reality for business, its benefits and ideas for application.

The Power of Augmented Reality for Business

AR and VR blend the lines between physical and digital world. They offer a new way of interacting with customers, colleagues and the world around us. Often referred to as sister technologies AR/VR have an enormous market potential that is only in the initial stages of unlocking.Just have a look at one of the AR application ArtPlusHome, which is helping people to shop for works of art without leaving their homes.

The post Augmented Reality for Business: Benefits and Application appeared first on Software Development Company Perfectial.

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