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Discussion on: What advice would you give to High Schooler (Thinking of software developer career)?

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

If you don't mind me asking, do you have a personal reason inspiring you to towards pushing developers towards remembering to develop with accessibility in mind?

No I don't have a personal reason, other than I see a huge problem in the industry that is excluding people.

I am a very unusual accessibility advocate as I do it half for the betterment of the human race (anyone got a vomit bag for the massive cliché?), half because I see a massive market that is being ignored!

And massive markets with unmet needs (and providing solutions for those needs) are what make people rich!

I am probably the most selfish accessibility advocate on the planet (oh, maybe that should be my new thing instead of "the angry accessibility guy")! 🤣

Above all it is an interesting area of expertise, which is why I like talking about it.

Once you start learning about all of the little things that you should be doing and why, it can really make you a better overall developer. You start to think of things from the perspective of others and you tend to make much better choices when it comes to UI design and UX, or at least that is what I believe.

I like this tip, but also am the first to admit that I don't love programming. I love what programming can do, the potential behind it, and that it's a craft you can continually become better at.

This right here, is the way we get even more people into development, you should write a whole article on it! It isn't about writing code, it is about what that code can do! Loved that whole comment but that open sentence was near perfection for me!

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cleancodestudio profile image
Clean Code Studio

I might just have to do that, I'll be following you moving forward @inhuofficial both on and twitter (!

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grahamthedev profile image

I have been enjoying some of you other posts too!

Looking forward to the next one, have you managed to rest a bit after your all nighter?

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cleancodestudio profile image
Clean Code Studio

Appreciate you @inhuofficial !

And oh yah, we're on a much better sleep schedule now. I joined one of the smart devices team as a dev for Amazon starting this past Monday.

Was on that stereotypical programmer night schedule and had to push to stay up for the entire day to re-regulate my schedule. It was a rough day shifting it back over, but we're on that healthy sleep schedule now😊

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grahamthedev profile image

Oh cool and congratulations!

I bet that will be interesting working on smart device stuff!

Glad you got back to days and a normal schedule!