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Do you use blue light glasses?

Hi, friends. I'm a coder and using computer about 5-8 hours per day. I want to know are you using blue light glasses? And how much money do you cost for it?

Latest comments (25)

presiv profile image

I never tried them, however I would really like to see how they work. I use my computer 24/7, so it would definitely be a good idea for me. I don’t really like to wear glasses though. I think they don’t suit me that much. That’s why, I prefer going for contacts, as they are invisible and really easy to use. Sometimes, when I’m bored with my current look, I try to spice it up with some colored contacts. I just bought a blue pair from So far, I think they make me look more interesting. At least for me, this is something new and exciting. I just think that we live in the same routine every day, and it’s nice to experiment with something more exciting that you’re not used to.

mkbaldwin profile image

I have a blue light filter on my glasses. Personally I like it. When I am working at the office we have bright LED lighting that produces a lot of blue light. I can tell a big difference in color when looking at a white surface with/without them.

akshaykhale1992 profile image
Akshay Khale

Yes, I do wear Blue-Light Filtering glasses while coding.

Apart from that,

  • I use Dark themes on my Editors (Night Owl on VS Code).

  • I used to use Flux on Mac but Now I simply use "Night Shift" all the time.

  • I take frequent Breaks for Standing and Blinking.

webdevpanda profile image

Hey , Michael

I would suggest you to watch this video before buying the blue light filter lenses.

This video will clear all your doubts about blue light filter glasses!

guoruix profile image

Ok, thanks buddy.

schv09 profile image

I wear glasses all the time while working, watching TV, anything that involves reading. As far as I know from what I've researched, a blue light filter is not meant to make your vision more comfortable even though it may be marketed like that. It might have a positive effect on your sleep cycle by reducing your exposition to blue light wavelenghts at night, which affect the production of melatonin, which in turn is involved in making you sleepy. However, this whole blue-light thing is still under debate

On the other hand, there are also anti-reflective coatings for glasses. My glasses have this. This might actually help more in reducing eye strain than the blue light filter so I suggest you look into that. I personally haven't noticed a huge improvement, but you could give it a try. I don't remember how much it cost me to add that.

nicolus profile image
Nicolas Bailly

No. I wear glasses and on my previous pair I got the blue light filter and I didn't like it at all. I didn't notice any improvement in comfort when using a screen whatsoever, and it gave everything a yellow tint.

On my new pair I don't have a blue light filter and I find it much better.

johnadan profile image
John McLem Adan

I use it when my computer sometimes fail to implement night light mode to reduce eye strain. It did not cost much, though.

dillonheadley profile image
Dillon Headley

I use a pair from Clearly (, they weren't very expensive, may $60-$80? I forget - it was a while ago. I wear them every day when I'm on the computer and they make a huge difference for me. Before I got them my eyes would be twitching and burning after a long day. Doesn't happen at ALL when I wear the glasses. I can feel my eyes burning if I forget to put them on.

Def worth it for me! Wearing them right now :)

guoruix profile image

Dillon, thanks for your help.

downey profile image
Tim Downey

I looked into blue light blocking lenses not because of eye-strain, but because I was having trouble sleeping.

So I bought a cheap pair of Zenni frames that I wear at night that have their "BLOKZ" blue light blocking lenses. I'm not sure how much they help in reality, but I think there's definitely some psychological benefits to them. Wearing them makes me think "yeah, it's time to wind down" and I've found that to be helpful.

I think what helps me the most, though, are the various "night-mode" options available now. Things like Flux that make the screen more orange than blue.

guoruix profile image

Hi, Tim. Thanks for your help.

paullandaeta profile image

Hello Michael, I used to use glasses without the blue light but now I'm using one with blue light and there is a big difference for me because my eyes are less tired. Here in Bolivia, I paid 60$us for them.

cadams profile image
Chad Adams • Edited

I had the blue light filter glasses got rid of them because you can see blue reflections in your glasses if the light hits you right and it’s irritating. For Mac I use night shift and windows I use flux. On computer 8-12 hours a day very little eye strain. Personally I think blue light filter glasses are a waste of money.

guoruix profile image

Ok, thanks Chad.

juanorzam profile image
Juan I Orozco

If you can't get one of these with the light filter I'll be the best choice, cause exposure to screen lights for long periods can be tiring for your eyes.

bradtaniguchi profile image

I've had a pair that were around 20$. I wear them sometimes if I remember.

I'm honestly not sure how well they work compared to using night light or similar on your computer, dark themes and just not spending that much time looking at a screen before bed.

jankohlbach profile image
Jan Kohlbach

I use some, yeah. Not all the time but especially in the evening. And they were actually just twenty bucks on amazon I think.

marknca profile image
Mark Nunnikhoven

I have pairs with and without the blue light coatings. Honestly, I can't tell the different. I've found adjusting the brightness of my monitor and making sure that I have enough ambient light to be a lot more effective in reducing eye strain. Ditto for getting a high quality monitor.

guoruix profile image

Thanks, Mark.