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Reactjs or Vuejs

JavaScript is an Object-oriented programming language and is the main language for creating a website.

JavaScript have a large ecosystem and has a lot of frameworks/libraries, two of the most popular ones are React and Vue.

In this blog we'll be comparing the two frameworks.


  • Both React and Vue have an active, large community and lots of third-party libraries.
  • Both React and Vue are SPA (Single Page Application).
  • Both frameworks support component-based approach, where application are built using small, reusable component.
  • Both React and Vue supports two-way data-binding, where changes to the application state automatically update the UI, and user input updates the application state.


  • Template Syntax: React makes use of JSX while Vue uses HTML Template.
  • Ecosystem: React has a larger ecosystem compare to Vue as React is backed by Facebook.
  • Learning Curve: React has a steeper learning as it requires you to learn JSX and state management tools like Redux, Zustand etc. while Vue is usually considered easier to learn as it follow a traditional way of separating HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Performance: Vue is considered to be faster due to its efficient virtual DOM
  • Tooling: React has a more extensive ecosystem of third-party tools and libraries, while Vue has more built-in functionality and a more balanced combination of third-party and first-party tools.

Therefore, picking either React or Vue depends on individual choice or project requirement.

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Top comments (1)

obedsmart profile image

But I think react have many opportunities than vue