DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
hecktarzuli profile image
Josh Deltener

For the love of all that's holy, get whiteboard...

We have glass boards and white board at my company. Yes, the glass ones look fancy but are much harder to read because of lack of nice white background, and the shadows produced by the ink on glass.

chickdan profile image
Daniel Chick

At the company I previously worked for they had a white background behind the glass and the legibility was just as good as a standard whiteboard.

hecktarzuli profile image
Josh Deltener

Those are the ones that produce nasty shadows because of the distance between the surface of the glass and the white backing. They are much harder to read than plain whiteboard.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Definitely more practical than my comment πŸ˜‹

Glass board certainly seems classier

I actually briefly worked in a co-working space with a glass board and experienced all of this, but I didn't know if it was a general glass thing or just that specific one.

kritner profile image
Russ Hammett

wonder if a frosted glass backed board would work any better? if that's a thing? cuz yeah, the glass LOOKs really nice. Or you can just a beautiful mind it on the window