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Hiren Dhaduk
Hiren Dhaduk

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Decoding your application modernization strategy

Ever since the world entered into digital transformation, an app exists for everything. With technologies upgrading rapidly, we need to keep up with it and constantly focus on app modernization. The global market of app modernization is booming at an exponential rate. It is expected to reach $50,440 million by the end of 2028.

However, a lot of companies still maintain a portfolio of applications that use the conventional monolithic architecture. It is possible to alter legacy software through application modernization using cutting-edge tools and technologies, maintaining a company's agility. Additionally, it aids companies in increasing operational effectiveness, reducing production costs, and improving the entire customer experience.

What is App Modernization?

Application modernization is mostly about updating an organization’s existing apps to a cloud-first model—sometimes called legacy modernization. It may involve migrating those apps to a public, private, or hybrid cloud if an organization uses on-premises apps.

Here, older applications are updated with newer approaches to computing, including more contemporary frameworks, languages, and application architectures. Modernizing legacy applications enables enterprises to improve an existing system’s overall efficiency, security, and structural integrity rather than replacing it entirely.

Application modernization strategy

You may encounter various difficulties when attempting to update the apps, including budget planning, a complex legacy environment, data migration, a lack of adequate knowledge, and more.

There is no denying the significance of modernizing legacy systems. However, while these apps are undoubtedly vital for many corporate activities, exercising caution before moving forward is also crucial.

Here are some top application modernizing strategies that you need to follow -

1. Prepare everyone for massive cultural shift

Since the majority of employees choose to use particular technology and techniques, application modernization entails a significant corporate cultural shift. Their sense of security and stability may be compromised, and some disruption may result from the abrupt adoption of new technology and practices. Additionally, the leadership teams must be persuaded of the value of starting modernization projects and the associated costs.

2. Always invest in the right tools and technology

The intricacy, interdependence, and interrelationships of mainframe code are revealed through analysis. Additionally, the basis for a successful legacy modernization is laid out early on by a precise assessment of the risks and complexities involved.

  • Modernization cannot occur with what cannot be measured. You should first pay attention to the applicant application's technical debt. There are tools on the market that can pinpoint the exact origin of debt and quantify the detrimental impact it may have on innovation.

  • Aging frameworks should be compared for technical debt, hazards, and complexity because they present licensing and security problems in the future. An automated modernization solution would combine perfectly with the right evaluation methodology and tooling, opening the door for subsequent re-architecting, refactoring, or rewriting of your applications.

  • Technologies like microservices and containerization essentially enable legacy applications to become more flexible and scalable.

3. Determine the budget and focus on getting sponsorship

Obtaining executive sponsorship for project finance is the next necessary step. Finding the budget for the modernization project will be simpler now that you have all the data you need.

For firms that heavily rely on monolithic or legacy systems, financing app modernization differs greatly from conventional IT budgeting. Traditional IT budgeting has more predictable numbers with fewer yearly variations and unknowns. The budget for a modernization initiative must take into account the fact that there is some inherent uncertainty.

Wrapping Up

Modernizing legacy applications is not a process but a journey of a cultural shift for you, your teams, and your organization. I have narrated down few of the strategies that you can implement to make this journey less tedious. In case you have any valuable pointers to discuss, let me know in the comments below. I will be more than happy to have a brainstorming session with you regarding this.

Top comments (1)

olivia578 profile image
Olivia Anderson

Insightful read! Your breakdown of decoding the application modernization strategy provides a clear roadmap for businesses navigating the complexities of digital transformation. Embracing application modernization is undeniably pivotal in staying competitive and resilient in today's ever-evolving tech landscape.