DEV Community

Divyansh Agrawal
Divyansh Agrawal

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How to check if a youtube video is shorts or not using nodejs?

What if I gave you a youtube video id and asked you to tell Me wether the video is shorts or not without opening it?
How Would You do that?
Simple -
Introducing identify-youtube-shorts npm package
It allows you to easily check if a youtube video is youtube shorts or not


const checkIfYoutubeShorts = require('identify-youtube-shorts');
const videoID = "dQw4w9WgXcQ";
async function example(videoID){
    const ifShorts = await checkIfYoutubeShorts(videoID);
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It will print whether the youtube video with the id - dQw4w9WgXcQ is a youtube short or not.


Easy Just use npm i identify-youtube-shorts

Read more about it here -

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