So... You want to download a Large file of about assume 500 MBs. But The Site is very slow and You Are Getting A Lot Slower download speeds than usual (assume 1 MB/s).
The Just Use Google Colab (google has pretty high speeds ngl)
But How?
Don't Know How to Do it Follow the steps:
1) Go to Google Colab (Obviously...)
2) Create a New Notebook
3) In the first cell write the following code:
!wget <url>
change the url according to the direct download url (Redirecting urls will not work)
4) Run the cell and wait till it download
5) In a New Cell write the following code to check the filename of the file downloaded
Copy the filename to your clipboard
6) In a New Cell We Have to download the file. Write the following code
from google.colab import files'<filename>')
Change the filename with the name you copied
7) Run the cell and you will see a bar in the output showing your progress. After Some time You will get a save file prompt to finally save the downloaded file to your computer.
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