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GitHub Graveyards: I'll show you mine...

Isaac Lyman on August 08, 2018 goes open source today! As befits the occasion, I've been reflecting on my own adventures in open source software. I've had my GitHub accou...
theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis

Reminds me of this


shriakhilc profile image

Regarding TonsilText, you might be interested to know that Android now has attributes that allow autosizing TextViews, where the font size is figured out based on the component bounds. Combined with the significantly better control over multi-lines, word break strategy and justification of text that we now have (compared to 4 years ago), it should simplify your troubles to a large extent, if you ever choose to pick it back up.

isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman

Wow, that's great to know! Thanks so much.

gmartigny profile image
Guillaume Martigny

Whoo you bring everyone down memory lane.

I haven't such a huge graveyard as you, but here's some shit I've made with love :


Allow you to control a web page using another device(s) (smart-phone for example). Using websocket to connect the screen and the device, it should have been able to make multiplayer game on one page.
I don't know why I never finished it.


Supercharging of natives prototypes. Same thing as underscore while keeping OOP syntaxe. I stated with Array, but never got any further.

Secrets of Cydonia

My first "working" game (I had 2 or 3 failed attempts before). It was supposed to be a cute 2D exploration game. As I wrote everything from scratch, I quickly hit a performance hurdle. I loved coding it anyway.

Hosted by github set of experiments and random piece of code. That's a real mine, however I'm not sure you could dig out gold. x)


Easy to use 2D drawing library. I always enjoy drawing on HTML canvas, but it's a pain to use. So I seek out to build a drawing library. I made a few structure mistakes and it became a pain to maintain.

I consider further repos to be in "active" development, so not in graveyard yet. It was fun going back to those old monsters.

djquecke profile image
DJ Quecke

Please finish the Human Bingo app ;)

isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman

Since you said please:

djquecke profile image
DJ Quecke

Thanks much...My daughter and I both downed it and will give it a try...We love people watching...

michaelzaporozhets profile image
Michael Zaporozhets

Personally, I like how ambitious I was early on:

some of my more interesting projects over the years:

"History.JS Without the tears"

"Synergy.JS: Synergize text"

isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman



Thanks for sharing.

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

My dead dead repos I actually do delete, because they were of no help to anyone ever.

My graveyard, though, is full of code puzzles that I haven't had time for in years. I love code puzzles, but then life happens :(

Project Euler, Advent of Code (2015, 2016, 2017), Exercises for Programmers, and Screeps are the puzzles/repos. I recently bought a lifetime subscription for Screeps, despite not touching my scripts since April 2017, so now that I'm done with grad school I really want to get back into that.

samuraiseoul profile image
Sophie The Lionhart

Ruffin actually sounds pretty fun. Like Omegle meets Meetup. I'd be interested in trying to make something like that too kind of. Might blatantly steal your idea for my next side project. :P If that's cool and all.

isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman • Edited

I just MIT-licensed it for you. :) Steal away.

By the way, pro tip: I ended up dropping the last two digits of the zip code in order to get a more even geographic region. If you go with a zip-code strategy I recommend doing something like that.

samuraiseoul profile image
Sophie The Lionhart

Thanks, that was fast!

On the pro tip, I didn't even think about that, the first three digits of the zip being a more regional classifier makes sense but I never thought about it. I just liked the concept and didn't think of any implementation at all yet past the idea of sockets since there will be chat, and some kind of interaction with google maps will be needed.

dfockler profile image
Dan Fockler

This was fun to read. I have a lot of projects like this, although most of mine are half finished or at least will never see the light of day again. I think it's a great idea to reflect on the things you learned while working on the projects though. 😅

tunaxor profile image
Angel Daniel Munoz Gonzalez

I love your graveyard, I have quite a graveyard too, but most of those projects aren't really meaningful or even complete I'm the half quarter side project done man.

I do agree that creating a graveyard helps you quite good to understand yourself and sometimes even reflect how you were when you did those projects and that they are not required to be a good guy at what you do.

I don't look back at my code and say "Woah that's just crap!" I mean some of it is, but I know I made that for a reason. As long as you have learned something I think a side project accomplished it's goal.

isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman

Not really. I'm sure Ionic is useful elsewhere, but I'd have to implement some kind of framework to use it for Human Bingo, and the main part of the game probably can't be built in a simple way with built-in Ionic components. When I pick it up again I'm planning to go with Phonegap (again), a native app, or Unity.

isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman • Edited

If you want to check out more graveyards (and who wouldn't?), here are some others that have been posted:

If you post one, make sure to use the #graveyard tag.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'm a little scared to look at mine. 😱

isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman

Come on, Ben, we're dying to know what "hot-sauce" and "Laundry" are all about.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Haha I forgot some of that was public!

Thread Thread
isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman


dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

I am amazed at how thoroughly you documented your why's.

Mind if I ask how you were keeping track of those reasons?

Any know-hows?

isaacdlyman profile image
Isaac Lyman

To be honest it never occurred to me to document those. But with only 14 repositories over 4 years or so it isn't too hard to remember.

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Thank you Isaac.

I guess the challenge (to remember) is up to me as I can barely remember what I did a few days ago 😉

karolf profile image
Karol Fabjańczuk

Thanks for 'vue-custom-element-ts-example' - it really helped few people. Thanks for that!