Hi! Isaiah here. I'm doing #100DaysOfCode so that I can make coding a habit. Coz I'm an avid procastinator. Certified lazybones.
Today I've worked on my take on Disqus. Lighter. Faster. More private. And best of all, will be judicious in blocking all spam bots/llm comments (powered by Cloudflare and my own sauce). And most of those things are not up yet π . But we will get there. Eventually (Plenty more rice grains to eat)... Working on it, I'm amazed by the small advancements in webdev (especially tooling) I'm encountering. Most people will take it for granted. I do too sometimes. Cheers to the open source peeps behind these! π₯
Anyway, I'm not good at writing as you guys can see. But I'll slowly improve. It's been long before I've written anything public. I'm gonna talk more about technical stuff next time.
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