My code from project is available here: https://github.com/Iwaniukooo11/email-sender
Nowadays, when creating even basic websites, programmers are ...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
I'm curious to understand the security of this solution. If I visit your site, could I not take your
and send emails on your behalf?Hi, at first I want to thank you all for taking part in discussion.
In my project I have used webpack and gulp thanks to what finished JS code is bundled and minified, which makes searching IDs harder.
Problems with visible of API is not a problem of this package, but of the entire front-end. Even when you want to fetch f.e Pizza API, you might be obliged to pass your private key, which later will be visible in dev tools.
In my article I have bundled and minified code which is in seperated file. It is still more safer than keeping everything in HTML file, what was shown on this documentation part
Very true. An OAuth token should always be used in these API scenarios which does more than only being used for a getter.
What prevents from calling the API using an access token (from OAuth)?
I believe a solution like this would work due to domain restrictions. I.e you can take the keys and user ID, but can only send/activate the service if the domain matches
You could probably use that USER_ID from the devtools console of the appropriate domain and send whatever you want, impersonating the domain owner.
Edit: the FAQ of the service indicates you can only send predefined template emails, but template variable injection could be abused.
Yeah that's somewhat a relief 😅. As a bad actor, I could still send thousands of messages, potentially causing increased cost or worse, the email account getting blocked.
This service seems convenient at first, but with today's serverless solutions it's worth building a backend solution that is properly secured.
There is no way you can solve this problem by creating your solution. As a bad guy, I can just as well call your API for your form.
I think your post title is misleading. What you explained is exactly what everyone is doing. Sending a request from frontend to backend ( in your case a 3rd party service provider ).
Hi Abdullah,
Someone earlier has mentioned that, let me show you my point of view
This article is intended for developers, who don't want to use any back-end technologies. Of course - it is true that EmailJS uses its 3rd party provider but you, as a programmer, don't have to take care about that. The main point is that you don't have to use node.js or php, but you can send email using simple package on your front-end side
That's Cool, Another method is by using Formspree either way In the past I wasn't expecting its simplicity.
Well, that's right, but this article is intended for developers, who don't want to use any back-end technologies. Of course - it is true that EmailJS uses back-end on its side, but you, as a programmer, don't have to take care about that
Does the end user/developer really matter how it happens?
Hi Mateusz, it seems that the link to the repo is broken :/
I'm sorry, it is fixed now 😅