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I finished a complete course on HTML and CSS and am happy with the results!!!

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So a great instructor that I have been learning from for over a year now is Mosh Hamedani. His courses are easy and fun to follow along with. A while ago, I decided to go through his HTML and CSS full course, which consisted of 3 parts, all totaling around 14 hours of material. The skills I have learned in that time have been absolutely critical for me as a developer!

We started with the basics, but quickly moved into great techniques and tips and tricks to make my developer skills shine above the average programmer. I have since been referencing the guides from his course in all other projects I have been working on, and plan to continue moving forward.

As the final project, we built a static example webpage as if we were a company selling Cloud Hosting for customers. From navigation bars, to main content, to testimonials, and footers. I also learned styling skills, such as animations, SVG files, importing new texts from the web, creating components that can be re-used as often as necessary.

I am discovering a real passion for front-end web development I never really knew about till recently!

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