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Jagoda Bieniek
Jagoda Bieniek

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Getting Started with React Testing Library: Writing Your First Test.

The difference between Jest and the React Testing Library is important to understand when writing unit tests for React components.


  • Jest is a JavaScript testing framework.
  • It serves as a test runner, assertion library, and mock/stub/spy library.
  • Jest provides a testing environment where you can write and execute your test cases.
  • It provides features such as test suites, test cases, mocking functions, code coverage analysis and more.
  • Jest is highly optimised for performance and parallelization, making it a popular choice for testing JavaScript applications.

React Testing Library:

  • It's a utility library for testing React components.
  • It provides tools for interacting with React components in tests, simulating user behaviour, and asserting on rendered output.
  • It encourages testing components in a way that resembles how they will be used by end users.
  • It encourages writing tests that focus on behaviour rather than implementation details, resulting in more robust and maintainable tests.
  • The React Testing Library works on top of testing frameworks such as Jest, making it easy to integrate with existing Jest test suites.

Test's Anatomy.

Overall, the test facility is fundamental to writing tests in Jest. It allows you to organise your test cases, specify the behaviour you want to test, and define the expected results.

test(name, fn, timeout)

name is a descriptive string that clearly indicates what aspect of the code is being tested.
fn is the function containing the actual test code.
timeout is the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that Jest will allow the test case to run before considering it a failure. The default timeout is 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds), but you can change it to suit your tests.

RTL unit tests consist of 3 stages:

  • render the component
  • find the element rendered by the component
  • assert against the element found in step 2, which passes or fails the test.

RTL Queries.

So how can we find element?

RTL provides a variety of query methods to find elements on the page when writing tests. Here's a breakdown of the three types of queries you mentioned:

getBy & getAllBy

getBy is used to find a single element that matches the specified criteria. If no matching element is found, it throws an error.
getAllBy is used to find multiple elements that match the specified criteria. If no matching elements are found, it throws an error.

queryBy & queryAllBy

queryBy is similar to getBy, but it returns null if no matching element is found instead of throwing an error.
queryAllBy is similar to getAllBy, but it returns an empty array if no matching elements are found instead of throwing an error.

findBy & findAllBy

findBy is used to find a single element asynchronously. It waits for the specified element to appear in the DOM within a certain timeout period. It returns a Promise that resolves when the element is found or rejects if the element is not found within the timeout.
findAllBy is similar to findBy, but it finds multiple elements asynchronously. Like findBy, it returns a Promise that resolves to an array of elements when they are found or rejects if no elements are found within the timeout.

How to start writing unit tests?

If setup Jest/ React Testing Library is already done
if not please read my article Getting start with React Testing Library we can move on to writing our first unit test.

Let's see what to test. In our case it will be simple component:


const HomeView = () => <h1>Hello home view</h1>;
export default HomeView;

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Our example component displays the string 'Hello home view', so the test case should check whether the string 'Hello home view' is displayed correctly.

Create a test file. There are actually 3 ways to do this:

  • inside component folder => ./HomeView/HomeView.test.tsx
  • inside component folder => ./HomeView/HomeView.spec.tsx
  • inside create src/tests ./HomeView.test.tsx

It is recommended that you always place your tests next to the code they test, so that relative imports are shorter.

In this tutorial I have chosen the first option.

Inside HomeView.test.tsx. Let's import the necessary dependencies

import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import HomeView from './HomeView';

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As you can see, we first import the render function, which allows us to render React components in a test environment, and the function takes a JSX element . Then we can use the utilities mentioned above.

import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import HomeView from './HomeView';

 test('HomeView renders the heading with correct text', ()=>{
   // render compoment 
   // heading element 
   const headingElement = 
     screen.getByRole('heading', { level: 1}); 
   // assertion 

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