Hey Guys!
I have been following this website for a long time along with many tutorials I have been doing on Udemy etc.
I have come across a problem where I think I still have not learnt enough tutorial to tutorial, blog post to blog post it is like the tech is changing so much that I am one step behind always.
Could you guys recommend a step to step guide on how to become a frontend developer using ReactJS?
I find myself to be always getting on a path but its out dated because newer and "easier" replacements have become more popular so I get thrown off on my progress and feel like I have learnt nothing.
One thing I am struggling with the most is state management (redux or contextApi), styling (vanilla css, bootstrap, material UI...) What is the stacks which are industry standard to learn as a base...
Any help would be great! help a newbie find a path..
Top comments (3)
Before you can start with ReactJS you need a good understanding of the building blocks (HTML, CSS and JavaScript). I'd do some tutorials on just building with those until you feel comfortable then start with ReactJS.
When you have a good understanding of the building blocks ReactJS tutorials will feel easy to start with but will still get a little difficult as you go on and that's normal. Finding it hard until it makes sense is part of the process don't be discouraged ☺️.
That being said I have documented my learning experience here.
Don't try to do all at once. I like to share this developer roadmap, because it actually gives you a really nice path to follow.
If you're doing react & redux right now, then according to the roadmap you should already be ready to
Good resources that I used, and actually still use, to learn online:
Best of luck!