As .Net core(version used here is 2.1) is becoming popular day by day, here are some projects I created which might come handy. (added comments in the code for better understanding). Whichever functionality you want to test just set those web API project as startup project and you are good to go.
1. Extending Service and cors implementation:
In this project, we moved all the service injection logic to a different class. We should avoid putting all service injection logic inside ConfigureServices method. Also when we are using .Net core with the client-side project like Angular or react we should take care of cors issue as well.
Project Name: BasicProjectSetup
2. Log implementation:
This project contains an implementation of logging feature provided by default with .Net core.
Project Name: LoggingImplementation
3. Entity Framework implementation:
This project contains 2 things:
a. How to Entity framework with SQL server
b. Implementation via Repository design pattern
Nugets used: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools (Project: EFImplementation.Repository)
Folder Name: EFImplementation
refer this for more understanding of EF implementation in .Net core
4. Error handling:
This project contains 3 things:
a. Custom Log implementation by extending NLog.Extensions.Logging
b. Built in .Net core middleware implementation
c. Custom middleware implementation
Folder Name: Errorhandling
Nugets usd: NLog.Extensions.Logging(Project: LoggerService)
5. Implementing Swagger in Web API
This project contains swagger implementation.
Project Name: SwaggerImplementation
Nuget used: Swashbuckle.AspNetCore(Project: SwaggerImplementation)
6. Working with XUnit Test Framework
This project helps in understanding how XUnit framework works.
Folder Name: XUnitTest
Nuget used: Microsoft.AspNetCore.App(Project: Learn.UnitTest)
- Refernce article
Cover Image: Image source
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Nice blog and informative content,
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Thanks Wiliam. I'll fix it soon.
Clean the way you moved the service injection logic outside of ConfigureServices into ServicesExtensions class.
Hi Glen,
thanks for your reply. May I know which project are you referring to? Is it BasicProjectSetup.
If yes, do you mean to keep both below lines in one method call instead of 2 in startup: