Ever find yourself scratching your head while wondering what you should name that new class?
We all struggle with this!
In fact, it's one of the two hardest parts of programming!
Sometimes it's easy because you have a clear business concept in mind.
Other times you might be creating classes that aren't necessarily tied to a business concept.
You might decide to split a class into several classes (for maintainability's sake).
Or, you may need to use a design pattern.
Tips To The Rescue!
Writing code usually involved some specific scenario(s) that you are trying to solve. Here are some tips for tackling these kinds of business scenarios by naming your classes well:
- Be as specific as possible!
- Don't be afraid to be verbose at first. You can refactor later.
- Try pretending that you are writing the outline for an article that explains your business process to a non-programmer. Start by naming things with the terms from this.
Here's what a sample of using tip #3 might look like:
Once an order is submitted by the customer, we need to make sure that all the order's items are in stock. If some are not in stock, then we need to send them an email to let them know what items are on back-order.
Next, we will pass the information to the shipping department for further handling.
We can use this description to create some classes from the nouns. Sometimes, depending on how you want to organize your code, it's very worthwhile to use the adjectives too!
Keep in mind that the nouns/terms are all applicable to the specific context (see bounded contexts from DDD) you are trying to solve for.
The code we write might look like this at first pass:
class OrderSubmittedHandler {
public async handle(order: Order, customer: Customer) {
const submitted: SubmittedOrder = order.submitOrder();
if(submitted.hasItemsOnBackOrder()) {
const mail = new OrderItemsOnBackOrder(submitted);
await this._mailer.send(mail);
const shipping = new ShippingDepartmentOrderHandler(submitted);
await shipping.sendOrderInfo();
Points of interest:
Notice that we explicitly model the transition from an
to aSubmittedOrder
. Since aSubmittedOrder
has different behaviours than anOrder
, this will keep your classes way smaller and manageable by following the Single Responsibility Principle.We introduced cross-cutting objects like the
variable. In this example, I already know that I am going to use dependency injection to supply theMailer
. But that can be something you decide to refactor later on.The entire scenario itself is captured by a meaningful noun as a new class!
Of course, this can be refactored after-the-fact. But as a first pass, this technique can really help to solidify what to name things and how they ought to interact.Being verbose actually works well!
For more tips around using pseudo-code, check out this great article by @aspittel:

Moving Past Tutorials: Pseudocode
Ali Spittel ・ May 7 '19
Some More Guidelines
Here are some guidelines that might help you when dealing with specific kinds of classes that may or may not be obvious from a business scenario.
For example, sometimes you need to introduce a design pattern. What do you name your class then?
Intent | Formula | Examples |
Authorization | Can{Entity}{Action} |
CanAdminViewThisPage , CanManagerUpdateUserInfo
Validation | Is{Target}{State}{Test} |
IsAddressUpdateAllowed , IsUserCreationValid
Interfaces | ICan{Action} |
ICanSendMail , ICanBeValidated
Concrete Business Concept | "What is it?" (nouns + adjectives) |
Student , EmployeeUserProfile , ShippingAddress
Use Cases | {Action}{Target} |
ApproveOrder , SendWelcomeEmail
Design Pattern | {Name}{Pattern} |
IShippingAddressStrategy , HomeAddressStrategy , TemporaryAddressStrategy
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You can also find me at my web site www.jamesmichaelhickey.com.
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Top comments (5)
Great article, especially the sample methods of finding names!
Having lately realized how much time can be lost on figuring out the 'right' name, of something that is mostly bound to change a bit again anyway (especially when more than one person is involved) I really like a thought that Martin Fowler casually put in the first chapter of Refactoring:
When you can't immediately think of a good name, start off with anything. Name it
. As you talk and think about it and start writing code, you'll realize what it does precisely and have probably started using a name that fits in your head.Might not be applicable for something like DDD, but so far I found the notion to be true and quite helpful!
I also like Robert C. Martin's constant suggesting to refactor for good names in "Clean Code" which has a similar feel to Fowler's. At one point (I wish I could find the exact quote again!) he recommends writing out a full, longer 'rule breaking' chunk of code in a method such as Fowler's sandwich, then going back over it and pulling out all the pieces that perform different jobs - if those pieces were written right, they should tell you their own names. Then you can rename or choose to remove sandwich altogether if it was only a placeholder.
Thanks! That's some good advice 🙂
I find that if I struggle to name something, I am probably violating the single responsibility principle. If all I can think of is FooService or FooManager, I am trying to do way too much work in that class and need to break it down into more specific elements.