DEV Community

Discussion on: CSS-Only Auto-Follow Nav Highlighting

janeori profile image
Jane Ori

Did you edit the pen locally? That only happens if you remove/change the second set of has selectors. Works as expected (as shown in the gif recording) in latest Chrome Canary

afif profile image
Temani Afif

no, I am trying your codepen with no edits


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janeori profile image
Jane Ori • Edited

Neat! Browser bug - it's not clearing the animation for you.
What version of Canary? Mine is latest - 105.0.5147.0 - on windows
edit: also works as expected on canary 105.0.5132.0 on mac

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afif profile image
Temani Afif

actually I am not using Canary but the last Chrome version with Flag enabled (on Ubuntu) but I guess there are a lot of stuff in Dev so things might change rapidly.