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Jon Bristow
Jon Bristow

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Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 23: Category Six

Looks like our worst fears have been realized: we've got to debug our network traffic.

Day 23 - The Problem

After perfecting our ridiculous shuffling algorithm (but know that every day we're shuffling) we check in with our repair droids. They report that repairs are going well, but the damage is going to require us to diagnose the health of the network traffic.

So, lets boot up 50 of our best IntCode computers and hook them up to our rudimentary network setup and Part 1 has us trying to see who sends anything to network address 255.

Part 2 adds a NAT that checks to see if the network is idle. If the network is idle, then the NAT needs to send the last thing it saw sent to 255 to address 0. Our answer is the first repeated send.

Ongoing Meta List of Leaderboards

If you were part of Ryan Palo's leaderboard last year, you're still a member of that!

If you want me to add your leaderboard code to this page, reply to one of these posts and/or send me a DM containing your code and any theming or notes you’d like me to add. (You can find your private leaderboard code on your "Private Leaderboard" page.)

I'll edit in any leaderboards that people want to post, along with any description for the kinds of people you want to have on it. (My leaderboard is being used as my office's leaderboard.) And if I get something wrong, please call me out or message me and I’ll fix it ASAP.

There's no limit to the number of leaderboards you can join, so there's no problem belonging to a "Beginner" and a language specific one if you want.


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Jon Bristow • Edited

Part 1 & 2 kotlin solution. I'm falling behind a little due to Christmas Vacation Prep obligations, but I have a bunch of vacation coming up and intend to finish these all. Please keep posting your solutions!

import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.core.None
import arrow.core.Option
import arrow.core.Some
import arrow.core.flatMap
import arrow.core.left
import arrow.core.right
import arrow.core.toOption
import intcode.CurrentState
import intcode.IntCode
import intcode.handleCodePoint
import intcode.toIntCodeProgram
import java.util.LinkedList

data class Packet(val destination: Long, val x: Long, val y: Long)

fun Packet.asList() = listOf(x, y)

data class NetworkedComputer(
    val id: Int,
    val code: MutableMap<Long, Long>,
    val state: Either<String, CurrentState> = CurrentState().right(),
    val packetOutput: List<Packet> = emptyList(),
    val packetInput: LinkedList<Long> = LinkedList(),
    val idle: Int = 0

private fun Either<String, NetworkedComputer>.step(): Either<String, NetworkedComputer> {
    return flatMap { c ->
        c.handleOutput().handleInput().let { newC ->
            newC.state.flatMap { s ->
                when (s.pointer) {
                    is None -> "Program terminated.".left()
                    is Some<Long> -> handleCodePoint(newC.code, newC.state)
            }.let { newState ->
                    ifLeft = { "Step Error: $it".left() },
                    ifRight = { newC.copy(state = newState).right() })

private fun NetworkedComputer.handleInput(): NetworkedComputer {
    return this.state.fold(
        ifLeft = { this },
        ifRight = { s ->
            when {
                s.waitingForInput && packetInput.isEmpty() -> {
                    copy(idle = idle + 1)
                s.waitingForInput -> {
                    copy(idle = 0)
                else -> this

private fun NetworkedComputer.handleOutput(): NetworkedComputer {
    return state.fold(
        ifLeft = { this },
        ifRight = { s ->
            when {
                s.output.size < 3 -> this
                else -> copy(
                    packetOutput = packetOutput + Packet(s.output.pop(), s.output.pop(), s.output.pop()),
                    idle = 0

data class NAT(val packet: Option<Packet> = None, val ySent: List<Long> = emptyList())

fun NAT.sentIdenticalLast2() = ySent.takeLast(2).let { (a, b) -> a == b }

fun NAT.updateFromOutput(outputs: Map<Long, List<Packet>>) = when {
    255 in outputs -> NAT(packet = outputs[255]?.firstOrNull().toOption())
    else -> this

object Day23 {

    private const val FILENAME = "src/main/resources/day23.txt"
    private val fileData: IntCode get() = FILENAME.toIntCodeProgram()

    fun part1(): Long {
        val computers: Map<Int, Either<String, NetworkedComputer>> = (0 until 50).map {
            it to NetworkedComputer(
                id = it,
                code = fileData.toMutableMap(),
                state = CurrentState(inputs = LinkedList(listOf(it.toLong()))).right()

        return runPart1(computers)

    private tailrec fun runPart1(computers: Map<Int, Either<String, NetworkedComputer>>, count: Int = 0): Long {
        val nextComputers = computers.mapValues { it.value.step() }
        val outputs = nextComputers.collectOutput()
        return when {
            255 in outputs -> outputs[255]!!.first().y
            else -> runPart1(nextComputers.transmitPackets(outputs), count + 1)

    fun part2(): Long {
        val computers: Map<Int, Either<String, NetworkedComputer>> = (0 until 50).map {
            it to NetworkedComputer(
                id = it,
                code = fileData.toMutableMap(),
                state = CurrentState(inputs = LinkedList(listOf(it.toLong()))).right()

        return runPart2(computers, NAT())

    private tailrec fun runPart2(
        computers: Map<Int, Either<String, NetworkedComputer>>,
        nat: NAT,
        count: Int = 0
    ): Long {
        val nextComputers = computers.mapValues { it.value.step() }.haltIfAnyError()

        val outputs = nextComputers.collectOutput()

        val nextNat = nat.updateFromOutput(outputs)

        val nextNatPacket = networkIsIdle(nextComputers, outputs).noneIfFalse { nextNat.packet }

        val finalNat = nextNat.copy(ySent = nextNatPacket.fold({ nextNat.ySent }, { nextNat.ySent + it.y }))

        return when {
            finalNat.ySent.size > 2 && finalNat.sentIdenticalLast2() -> finalNat.ySent[finalNat.ySent.lastIndex]
            else -> runPart2(
                computers = nextComputers.transmitPackets(
                        ifEmpty = { outputs },
                        ifSome = { outputs + (0L to listOf(it)) })
                nat = finalNat,
                count = count + 1

    private fun networkIsIdle(
        nextComputers: Map<Int, Either<String, NetworkedComputer>>,
        outputs: Map<Long, List<Packet>>
    ) = outputs.isEmpty() && nextComputers.all {
        it.value.exists { v -> v.packetInput.size == 0 && v.idle > 1 }

    private fun Map<Int, Either<String, NetworkedComputer>>.collectOutput() =
        map { (_, v) ->
                ifLeft = { emptyList() },
                ifRight = NetworkedComputer::packetOutput
        }.flatten().groupBy { it.destination }

    private fun Map<Int, Either<String, NetworkedComputer>>.transmitPackets(
        outputs: Map<Long, List<Packet>>
    ) = mapValues { (k, v) -> { c ->
            c.packetInput.addAll((outputs[k.toLong()]?.flatMap(Packet::asList) ?: emptyList()))
                packetInput = c.packetInput,
                packetOutput = LinkedList()

    private fun Map<Int, Either<String, NetworkedComputer>>.haltIfAnyError() =
        if (any { it.value.isLeft() }) {
            error("PROBLEM: " +
                    asSequence().joinToString {
                        "${it.key}:${ { v -> v.state }}"
        } else {

fun main() {
    println("Part 1:\n${Day23.part1()}")
    println("\nPart 2:\n${Day23.part2()}")

fun <T> Boolean.noneIfFalse(f: () -> Option<T>): Option<T> {
    return if (!this) {
    } else {