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Jon Bristow
Jon Bristow

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Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 6: Universal Orbit Map

Ah, BFS my old friend. I must resist booting up a gremlin database to solve this one.

Day 6 - The Problem

Cool as cucumbers we descend upon the map station on Mercury. For once, nothing is wrong, and we just need to verify the data and then plot an efficient course.

Part 1 is fairly straightforward, but slow if you're not careful. We've returned to the land of generous examples and explanations on this one.

Part 2 is a perfect place to try out your favorite way to do a modified breadth first search.

It seems like we're alternating between challenging and straightforward prompts. Oh well, at least I think we'll see some creative optimizations in the answers!

Ongoing Meta List of Leaderboards

If you were part of Ryan Palo's leaderboard last year, you're still a member of that!

If you want me to add your leaderboard code to this page, reply to one of these posts and/or send me a DM containing your code and any theming or notes you’d like me to add. (You can find your private leaderboard code on your "Private Leaderboard" page.)

I'll edit in any leaderboards that people want to post, along with any description for the kinds of people you want to have on it. (My leaderboard is being used as my office's leaderboard.) And if I get something wrong, please call me out or message me and I’ll fix it ASAP.

There's no limit to the number of leaderboards you can join, so there's no problem belonging to a "Beginner" and a language specific one if you want.

Neat Statistics

I'm planning on adding some statistics, but other than "what languages did we see yesterday" does anyone have any ideas?

Languages Seen On Day 05

  • JavaScript x 4
  • Python x 3
  • c
  • Kotlin
  • PHP
  • Racket
  • Rust
  • Swift

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Top comments (26)

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu • Edited

Finally a nice and short one.

My solutions aren't particularly efficient as they involve recursive functions, but still run pretty fast so whatever. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Part 1

const starMap = input.split('\n').reduce((map, line) => {
  map[line.split(')')[1]] = line.split(')')[0];
  return map;
}, {});

const getAncestorCount = body => body in starMap ? 1 + getAncestorCount(starMap[body]) : 0;

console.log(Object.keys(starMap).reduce((sum, body) => sum + getAncestorCount(body), 0));

Part 2

// starMap defined as above...
const getAncestors = body => body in starMap ? [ ...getAncestors(starMap[body]), starMap[body] ] : [];

const youAncestors = getAncestors('YOU');
const santaAncestors = getAncestors('SAN');

const transfers = youAncestors
  .filter(body => santaAncestors.includes(body))
  .map(body => [
    // .reverse is actually not necessary...
    // + 1 because we'd include the common planet twice
    ...santaAncestors.slice(santaAncestors.indexOf(body) + 1)

// - 1 because we're counting the movements, not the positions
console.log(Math.min( => xfer.length - 1)));

You can find my solutions on GitHub.

jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow

Maybe a future node version will add tail call optimization, and Javascript could have efficient recursion again.

Tail recursive functions are so much clearer to me than a while loop... something about walking down to a trivial solution just makes sense. 🤷‍♀️

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

I long the day they will tackle the problem once and for all. It's the last thing missing from ES2015! (Only Safari supports it.)

savagepixie profile image

There's got to be some better way to go about it, as even with memoisation it takes about half a minute to sort through part one, but hey, memoisation is cool.


const findElement = (input, tag) => input.filter(x => x.split(')')[1] == tag)

const getOrbits = (input, element, orbits=1) => {
    if (!getOrbits.checkedOrbits) getOrbits.checkedOrbits = {}

    const [ centre, object ] = element.split(')')
    if (centre == 'COM') {
        getOrbits.checkedOrbits[object] = 1
        return orbits
    if (getOrbits.checkedOrbits.hasOwnProperty(centre)) {
        getOrbits.checkedOrbits[object] = getOrbits.checkedOrbits[centre] + 1
        return orbits + getOrbits.checkedOrbits[centre]
    const [ nextObject ] = findElement(input, centre)
    return getOrbits(input, nextObject, orbits + 1)

const getOrbitChain = (input, element, chain=[]) => {
    const [ centre, object ] = element.split(')')
    const newChain = chain.concat(centre)
    if (centre == 'COM') return newChain
    const [ nextObject ] = findElement(input, centre)
    return getOrbitChain(input, nextObject, newChain)

const calculateTransfers = (input, origin, destination) => {
    const fromYou = getOrbitChain(input, origin)
    const fromDest = getOrbitChain(input, destination)
    const commonObject = fromYou.filter(x => fromDest.includes(x))[0]
    return fromYou.indexOf(commonObject) + fromDest.indexOf(commonObject) - 2

module.exports = input => {
    const data = input.split('\n')
    const partOne = data.reduce((a, b) => a + getOrbits(data, b), 0)
    const partTwo = calculateTransfers(data, 'YOU', 'SAN')
    return({ partOne, partTwo })
jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow • Edited

Unsolicited hints from a fellow 2+ minute initial runtime maker:

  • Make sure your culling is working properly,
  • only keep the minimum info you need for each loop pass
  • meditate on the implications of “every object orbits around one other object.”
savagepixie profile image
SavagePixie • Edited

You're absolutely right. I've changed the approach and with this I managed to reduce the processing time from 43.3 seconds to 2.6:

const calculateOrbits = (input, centre, orbits=0) => {
    const objects = input.filter(x => x.split(')')[0] == centre)
    return objects. length == 0
        ? orbits
        : objects.reduce((a, b) => a + calculateOrbits(input, b.split(')')[1], orbits + 1), orbits)

const calculateTransfers = (input, origin, destination) => {
    const fromYou = getOrbitChain(input, origin)
    const fromDest = getOrbitChain(input, destination)
    const commonObject = fromYou.filter(x => fromDest.includes(x))[0]
    return fromYou.indexOf(commonObject) + fromDest.indexOf(commonObject) - 2

const findElement = (input, tag) => input.filter(x => x.split(')')[1] == tag)

const getOrbitChain = (input, element, chain=[]) => {
    const [ centre, object ] = element.split(')')
    const newChain = chain.concat(centre)
    if (centre == 'COM') return newChain
    const [ nextObject ] = findElement(input, centre)
    return getOrbitChain(input, nextObject, newChain)

module.exports = input => {
    const data = input.split('\n')
    const partOne = calculateOrbits(data, 'COM')
    const partTwo = calculateTransfers(data, 'YOU', 'SAN')
    return({ partOne, partTwo })
johnnyjayjay profile image

Part 1 was a no-brainer in clojure:

; Returns the number of orbits the given object is contained in (i.e. direct orbit + indirect orbits)
(defn orbit-centers [orbit-map object]
  (count (take-while some? (drop 1 (iterate orbit-map object)))))

; Returns the sum of the orbit centers for each object in the orbit map.
(defn direct-and-indirect-orbits [orbit-map]
  (apply + (map (partial orbit-centers orbit-map) (keys orbit-map))))

; Parses the input format into a map of object -> orbit center
(defn parse-orbit-map [raw]
  (apply hash-map (flatten (map (comp reverse #(.split #"\)" %)) (.split #"\n" raw)))))

(def input (parse-orbit-map (slurp (first *command-line-args*))))
(println "Total number of (in)direct orbits:" (direct-and-indirect-orbits input))

I kinda got stuck on part 2, so the solution for this isn't really optimal (takes around half a second):

; Returns a sequence of objects that orbit the given center
(defn orbiting [orbit-map center]
  (map first (filter #(= (% 1) center) orbit-map)))

; Calculates the minimum amount of traversals required in an orbit map to move from object to destination
; (This is currently very inefficient and bad, I might still improve it)
(defn traversals [orbit-map object destination]
  (condp = object
    nil Integer/MIN_VALUE
    destination -2
    (inc (apply max (traversals (dissoc orbit-map object) (orbit-map object) destination)
                (for [orbit-obj (orbiting (dissoc orbit-map object) object)]
                  (traversals (dissoc orbit-map orbit-obj) orbit-obj destination))))))

(println "Traversals required to get from you to santa:" (traversals input "YOU" "SAN"))

Fun one nonetheless!
(Full code:

jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow

I am fake upset you didn't break out the clojure zipper library for this! (it's like using a cannon for flies in this case)

johnnyjayjay profile image
Johnny • Edited

Oh, I will definitely look into that, thanks for the suggestion.
I only knew about (tree-seq),
I'm still a newbie in clj.

Thread Thread
jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow

Zipper is extremely powerful for navigating trees efficiently.

It’s also as easy to read as overly point free Haskell.

Thread Thread
johnnyjayjay profile image

I vastly improved it without using zippers now.

; Counts the amount of elements in coll before element appears. Returns (count coll) if it doesn't appear at all.
(defn count-until [element coll]
  (count (take-while (partial not= element) coll)))

; Calculates the minimum amount of traversals required in an orbit map to move from object to destination
(defn traversals [orbit-map object destination]
  (let [object-centers (orbit-centers orbit-map object)
        destination-centers (orbit-centers orbit-map destination)
        first-common-center (some (set destination-centers) object-centers)]
    (+ (count-until first-common-center object-centers)
       (count-until first-common-center destination-centers))))

I just fetch the first common center of both objects and add the steps it takes to get there for both.

neilgall profile image
Neil Gall • Edited

Back to Prolog today but rather than battle with reading the input file in Prolog and turning it into relations, which I have no idea where to begin with, I used a Perl one-liner to turn it into Prolog source code. That's not cheating is it?

perl -n -e '/^([A-Za-z0-9]+)\)([A-Za-z0-9]+)/ && print "orbits(object_$1, object_$2).\n"' <input.txt >

Part 1 boiled down to finding all possible paths in the graph and counting them.

indirect(C, A) :- 
      orbits(C, A)
    ; orbits(C, B), indirect(B, A).

total(N) :- 
    setof([X, Y], indirect(X, Y), S),
    length(S, N).

Part 2 was more involved but is ultimately a similar algorithm in Prolog, filtering the possible solutions down to a single path between the start and end which does not visit any location twice.

can_jump(X, Y) :-
      orbits(X, Y)
    ; orbits(Y, X). 

part2(Length) :-
    findall(L, (
        orbits(SAN, object_SAN)
      , orbits(YOU, object_YOU)
      , path_to(YOU, SAN, P)
      , length(P, L)
    ), Length).

path_to(X, Y, P) :-
    path_to_impl(X, Y, [X], P).

path_to_impl(X, Y, _, [Y]) :-
    can_jump(X, Y).

path_to_impl(X, Y, L, [Z|Path]) :-
      can_jump(X, Z)
    , \+(member(Z, L))
    , \+(member(Y, L))
    , path_to_impl(Z, Y, [Z|L], Path).

Shortest code for the day?

jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow • Edited

Since I solved one based on the Josephus Problem by hand once because I had just seen a numberphile video based upon it, it's only cheating (in my book) if someone else figured it out for you.

I don't think it's even cheating looking at someone else's solution, as long as you write your own version instead of copying it. (renaming doesn't count!)

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Honestly, Advent of Code is so much fun. This stuff makes me fall back in love with programming.

def get_data(_file):
    orbits = {}
    objects = set()

    for line in _file:
        to_orbit, orbiter = line.rstrip().split(")")
        orbits[orbiter] = to_orbit

    return orbits, objects

def get_orbit(current_obj, orbits):
    if current_obj not in orbits: return []
    return [orbits[current_obj]] + get_orbit(orbits[current_obj], orbits)

def get_total_orbits(orbits):
    return sum(len(get_orbit(obj, orbits)) for obj in objects)

def get_path_between(start, end, orbits):
    start_path, end_path = get_orbit(start, orbits), get_orbit(end, orbits)
    # Get the first point that is in both paths
    overlapping_point = [i for i in start_path if i in end_path][0]
    return start_path.index(overlapping_point) + end_path.index(overlapping_point)

with open("input.txt") as _file:
    orbits, objects = get_data(_file)

print(f"Part 1: {get_total_orbits(orbits)}")
print(f'Part 2: {get_path_between("YOU", "SAN", orbits)}')
rpalo profile image
Ryan Palo

After a weekend of flu, I'm back in action--albeit about four days behind the pace now. I'll catch up. Here's today's solution in Rust. No BFS for me. Just a hashtable of children, and a (likely inefficient, but good enough) reverse lookup to do some ancestor math.

/// Day 6: Universal Orbit Map
/// Find out how many orbits there are in a galaxy map

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::collections::HashMap;

/// An orbit map is a mapping of nodes to the names of their children.
type OMap = HashMap<String, Vec<String>>;

/// Expects a list of mappings of the form AAA)BBB, one per line.
/// AAA here is the parent of BBB (and potentially many others).
/// Nodes only have one parent.
fn parse_input() -> OMap {
    let buf = BufReader::new(File::open("data/day6.txt").unwrap());
    let mut result: OMap = HashMap::new();
    for line in buf.lines() {
        let text = line.unwrap();
        let mut entities = text.split(")");
        let parent =;
        let child =;
        let children = result.entry(parent.to_string()).or_default();

/// Count the sum of the number of steps it is from each node in a tree
/// to the root.
/// The result is the sum of a node's distance from COM and all of its
/// children's orbit counts.
fn count_orbits(depth: usize, parent: &str, orbit_map: &OMap) -> usize {
    let children = &orbit_map[parent];
    if children.len() == 0 {
    } else {
        let children_total: usize = children.iter()
            .map(|c| count_orbits(depth + 1, c, orbit_map))
        depth + children_total

/// Builds a list of the ancestors of an entity starting with its
/// parent and ending with COM.  Or, the String version of COM.
/// Or... the &String version of COM.  Shut up, rust is stupid.
fn ancestors<'a>(orbit_map: &'a OMap, a: &String, mut so_far: Vec<&'a String>) -> Vec<&'a String> {
    for (parent, children) in orbit_map.iter() {
        if children.contains(a) && parent == "COM" {
            return so_far;
        } else if children.contains(a) {
            return ancestors(orbit_map, parent, so_far);
    panic!("Couldn't find parent!");

/// Find out how many steps minimum are between the parents of a and b.
/// Assumes that the orbit is acyclic with only one root,
/// and thus, there is only one way to get from one to the other, 
/// up through the tree to a common ancestor and back down
fn steps_between(orbit_map: &OMap, a: &String, b: &String) -> usize{
    let a_ancestors = ancestors(orbit_map, a, Vec::new());
    let b_ancestors = ancestors(orbit_map, b, Vec::new());

    let same = a_ancestors.iter().rev().zip(b_ancestors.iter().rev())
        .filter(|(x, y)| x == y).count();

    (a_ancestors.len() - same) + (b_ancestors.len() - same)

pub fn run() {
    let orbit_map = parse_input();
    let parent = "COM".to_string();
    println!("Total orbits: {}", count_orbits(0, &parent, &orbit_map));
    let me = "YOU".to_string();
    let santa = "SAN".to_string();
    println!("Distance between me and Santa: {}", steps_between(&orbit_map, &me, &santa))
yuriykulikov profile image
Yuriy Kulikov

Interesting and challenging problem today. I went for a parent-to-children map for the first part and a tree for the second. Runs within a couple of milliseconds.

Part 1:

    private fun parseMap(input: String): Map<String, List<String>> = input.lines()
            .map { line -> line.substringBefore(")") to line.substringAfter(")") }
                    { (name, _) -> name },
                    { (_, orbitedBy) -> orbitedBy }

    private fun calculateAllOrbits(map: Map<String, List<String>>): Int {
        fun List<String>.recursiveSearch(level: Int): Int {
            return map { name ->
                map.getOrDefault(name, emptyList()).recursiveSearch(level + 1)
            }.sum() + level + size

        return map.getValue("COM").recursiveSearch(-1) + 1

Part 2:

private fun parseTree(input: String): Map<String, String> {
        return input.lines()
                .map { line -> line.substringAfter(")") to line.substringBefore(")") }

    private fun stepsToSanta(tree: Map<String, String>): Int {
        fun String.toRoot(): List<String> {
            return tree[this]?.toRoot()?.plus(this) ?: listOf(this)

        val you = "YOU".toRoot()
        val san = "SAN".toRoot()
        val common = you.intersect(san)
        val path =
        return path.size - 2
jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow • Edited

Without embarrassment, I show this code to you. Part 1 takes a few minutes to complete. I will respond with an optimized version later.

import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.*

object Day06 {

    const val FILENAME = "src/main/resources/day06.txt"

    fun parseOrbit(s: String): Pair<String, String> {
        return """(.*)\)(.*)""".toRegex().matchEntire(s)?.let {
            it.groupValues[1] to it.groupValues[2]
        } ?: throw Error("Bad orbit: $s")

    fun part1(): Int {

        return Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(FILENAME))
            .map(::parseOrbit).fold(mutableMapOf<String, MutableSet<String>>()) { m, (a, b) ->
                val nset = (m[a] ?: mutableSetOf())
                m[a] = nset

    fun part2(): Int {
        val paths = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(FILENAME))
            .map(::parseOrbit).fold(mutableMapOf<String, Set<String>>()) { m, (a, b) ->
                m[a] = (m[a] ?: emptySet()) + b

        val youParents = paths.filterValues { "YOU" in it } { it to 0 }

        return paths.findDistanceToSan(queue = LinkedList(youParents), seen = setOf("YOU"))

    private tailrec fun MutableMap<String, Set<String>>.findDistanceToSan(
        queue: Deque<Pair<String, Int>>,
        seen: Set<String>
    ): Int {
        val (node, dist) = queue.pop()
        return when (node) {
            "SAN" -> dist - 1
            in seen -> findDistanceToSan(queue, seen)
            else -> {
                queue.addAll(filterValues { node in it } { it to (dist + 1) })
                queue.addAll(filterKeys { node == it }.flatMap { (k, v) -> { it to (dist + 1) } })
                findDistanceToSan(LinkedList(queue.filterNot { (n, d) -> n in seen }), seen + node)


private fun MutableMap<String, MutableSet<String>>.countChildren() =
    toList().indices.fold(toMap()) { m, _ ->
        m.mapValues { (k, v) ->
            v.addAll(v.flatMap { this[it] ?: mutableSetOf() })
    }.toList().sumBy { (k, v) -> v.size }

fun main() {

Part 2 was my old friend "Djikstra's Algorithm". It wasn't enough data to warrant breaking out A*Search, but if previous years are any indication we will probably need it at some point.

jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow

Ahhh... much better. This runs in msecs.

import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.*

object Day06 {

    private const val FILENAME = "src/main/resources/day06.txt"

    private fun parseOrbit(s: String): Pair<String, String> {
        return """(.*)\)(.*)""".toRegex().matchEntire(s)?.let {
            it.groupValues[1] to it.groupValues[2]
        } ?: throw Error("Bad orbit: $s")

    private fun List<String>.countPaths() =
        map(::parseOrbit).fold(mapOf<String, Set<String>>()) { m, (a, b) ->
            val nset = (m[a] ?: emptySet()) + b
            m + (a to nset)
        }.let { orbits ->
            orbits.countChildren(orbits["COM"].orEmpty().map { it to 1 }, 0)

    private tailrec fun Map<String, Set<String>>.countChildren(
        paths: List<Pair<String, Int>>,
        size: Int
    ): Int {

        val nextPaths = paths.flatMap {
            this[it.first].orEmpty().map { c -> c to it.second + 1 }
        return when {
            nextPaths.isEmpty() -> size + paths.sumBy(Pair<String, Int>::second)
            else -> countChildren(nextPaths, size + paths.sumBy(Pair<String, Int>::second))


    private fun List<String>.shortestDistanceToSanta(): Int {
        val paths = map(::parseOrbit).fold(mutableMapOf<String, Set<String>>()) { m, (a, b) ->
            m[a] = (m[a] ?: emptySet()) + b

        val youParents = paths.filterValues { "YOU" in it } { it to 0 }

        return paths.findDistanceToSan(queue = LinkedList(youParents), seen = setOf("YOU"))


    private tailrec fun MutableMap<String, Set<String>>.findDistanceToSan(
        queue: Deque<Pair<String, Int>>,
        seen: Set<String>
    ): Int {
        val (node, dist) = queue.pop()
        return when (node) {
            "SAN" -> dist - 1
            in seen -> findDistanceToSan(queue, seen)
            else -> {
                queue.addAll(filterValues { node in it } { it to (dist + 1) })
                queue.addAll(filterKeys { node == it }.flatMap { (_, v) -> { it to (dist + 1) } })
                findDistanceToSan(LinkedList(queue.filterNot { (n, _) -> n in seen }), seen + node)

    fun part1() = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(FILENAME)).countPaths()

    fun part2(): Int = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(FILENAME)).shortestDistanceToSanta()


fun main() {
smh30 profile image
Stephanie Hope

I liked that the explanation was much easier to understand today. I'm pretty happy with this one.


$input = file("input6.txt");
global $directly_orbits_map;

foreach($input as $line){
    $line = explode(")", $line);
    $directly_orbits_map[substr($line[1], 0, strlen($line[1])-1)] = $line[0];

$total = 0;
foreach ($directly_orbits_map as $orbiter => $planet){
    $total += get_orbit_steps($orbiter, "COM");

echo "Part 1: total steps: $total \n";

$join = get_divergence_point();
$path = get_orbit_steps($directly_orbits_map["YOU"], $join) + get_orbit_steps($directly_orbits_map["SAN"], $join);
echo "Part 2: path length: ".$path;

function get_orbit_steps($orbiter, $destination){
    global $directly_orbits_map;
    if ($directly_orbits_map[$orbiter]==$destination){
        return 1;
    return 1 + get_orbit_steps($directly_orbits_map[$orbiter], $destination);

function get_divergence_point(){
    $your_path = path_to_origin("YOU");
    $santa_path = path_to_origin("SAN");

    foreach ($your_path as $planet){
        if (in_array($planet, $santa_path)){
            return $planet;

function path_to_origin($from){
    global $directly_orbits_map;

    while ($directly_orbits_map[$from] != "COM"){
        $from = $directly_orbits_map[$from];
        $planets[] = $from;
    return $planets;
yordiverkroost profile image
Yordi Verkroost

Solution for part two, in Elixir.

defmodule Aoc19.Day6b do
  @moduledoc false

  alias Aoc19.Utils.Common

  def start(input_location) do
    |> read()
    |> paths()
    |> transfers("YOU", "SAN")

  defp transfers(paths, object1, object2) do
    path1 = Map.fetch!(paths, object1)
    path2 = Map.fetch!(paths, object2)
    set1 =
    set2 =
    intersection = MapSet.intersection(set1, set2)

    |>, [path1, path2]))
    |> Enum.min()

  defp distances(object, paths) do
    |> fn path ->
      path_distance(path, object, 0)
    |> Enum.sum()

  defp path_distance([hd | _rest], object, length) when hd == object, do: length
  defp path_distance([_hd | rest], object, length) do
    path_distance(rest, object, length + 1)

  defp paths(orbit_map) do, fn {orbits, orbited} ->
       |> walk([], orbit_map)
       |> Enum.reverse()}

  defp walk(orbited, path, orbit_map) do
    next_orbit? = Map.has_key?(orbit_map, orbited)
    continue(next_orbit?, orbited, path, orbit_map)

  defp continue(true, orbits, path, orbit_map) do
    orbited = Map.fetch!(orbit_map, orbits)
    walk(orbited, [orbits | path], orbit_map)

  defp continue(false, orbited, path, _orbit_map), do: [orbited | path]

  defp read(input_location) do
    |> Common.read_lines()
    |> to_map()

  defp to_map(input) do, fn line ->
      [orbited, orbits] = String.split(line, ")")
      {orbits, orbited}

Here's part one

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